Now, I only really found out about slim (no pun intended) when she married that light skin jones. She never really appeared to reflect and/or represent the spectrum of African American women I have seen in my life for her lifestyle was a lot more glamorous and materialistic than the women I have known. Not to mention, her wealth kind of placed her out of the spectrum of normality from my perspective.
Now I have heard for a while, a few months at least that they were going to release her from the show. However, it did not come out officially until the end of June when she announced this abruptly on the television show. Her folk, Barbara Wa-Wa (Taken from Saturday Night Live) knew about this all the time but intentionally mislead her view audience by not sharing the information to the public. Instead sources reveal that she wanted to stage an even on the show at a time selected by her.
Barbara Wa-Wa also evidently knew that she wanted a change and that Rosie O'Donnell would be selected in her place. I guess that’s why Rosie started using star as the butt of many of her recent jokes.
Although I think Star brought a lot of this on herself, I hate to see the media pile on any person of African descent. In addition, I can no longer see Mrs. Walters as a Journalist for I believe she intentionally lied, meaning she knew about this for a while now. So you sisters out do what you do, and I suspect that many of you will no longer watch the view. They didn’t want yawls viewing audience anyway for if they did they would have replaced her with another sister. I guess Ms. O'Donnell is expected to replace star. But how can u place a heterosexual, slim Africa America woman with a Fat, white Dyke