It is evident that class warfare is on the front burner for Republicans and Tea party activist across the nation. From inside the beltway to state capitols across America, legislatures have specifically targeted programs that disproportionately assist Blacks and minorities communities who also happen to subsist mainly at or below the poverty level. The latest example is in the state of Florida, where a bill is being brought to the floor, based on ideas first offered by noted white supremist and Klansman
David Duke that would mandate that the state’s welfare recipients would have to undergo -- and pay for -- drug tests to be eligible to receive welfare benefits. The bill's sponsor, Republican Rep.
Jimmie T. Smith, has argued that this is necessary to ensure that state and federal dollars are being spent on families who truly deserve the aid and that those who receive the money don't spend it on drugs. If successful, Florida would become the second state in the nation to approve such an ordinance. It was a central part of the campaign of current, Gov. Rick Scott last year. This would require that more than 21,000 Floridians currently receiving assistance as heads of households would have to submit to the drug screenings, according to the Department of Children and Families.

Although it has been pointed out that this could be a profit windfall for Rep. Scott, the measure (
HB 353) was approved by the House Judiciary Committee Thursday by a 13-5 vote. Scott founded the urgent care chain, Solantic, would be the owner of the company that will conduct the drug test at a cost of $35 each. Scott has since transferred ownership of the chain to his wife, Ann, after taking office.
Many of us that work or worked in different fields were or are required to take blood tests, etc. for drugs. Such as those with CDL's, military, civilian federal employees, police, fire.....
But I do not think that anyone should be required to pay for the test themselves.
The welfare program is a system to control a portion of the population by the government and make them slaves. West Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi and other states are cases in point. West Virginia has had welfare and commodity programs since after the Civil War. Has it helped the people? To a small extent.
But the people need jobs, education and other programs to break out of poverty and gain their self respect back.
A check alone does nothing but keeps the poor folks down. But educating the poor can be dangerous to government. Education makes people think for themselves and government doesn't want that.
I do believe that any person accepting any form of social program should preform some "respectable" service for the money. Unless they are children or elderly. Administrative, typing, child care help, helping seniors, nursing homes or tutoring others. Those types of jobs while they are going to school or in job training.
We should all contribuate to our country in whatever small way we can. No free lunch for anyone, we all need to chip in. It will make us all better citizens and down deep make us feel good.
I have mixed feelings about this situation.
People who receive public assistance should not have to pay for a test that mandated by their state government. The whole idea is nonsense.
On the other hand, anyone who receives public assistance money probably needs to operate off of the mindset, if they can get you off the rolls, they will-by any means necessary just took a new perspective.
The government doesn't want people off the dole. They say that, but really want to keep our heads turned while they spend trillions of dollars we don't have someplace else. Look how they treated the people in Katrina. What if something like that happens here in the whole country. The government won't care if we live or die.
How about spending most of it on jobs and education. While they are at it spend a trillion on doors for those in Mississippi living in shanties who have none.
I came up from the bottom, lower than whale shit and got away from no electricity, no indoor plumbing, water from a spring, a wood potbelly stove and wood stove my mother cooked on.
All over this country we have spend billions on the war on poverty. What has the government got to show for it? Millions still living like I did 63 years ago in the hills. We need a new vision not the same old promises every 2 or 4 years.
Agreed, nobody should have to pay for any test the government or state requires.
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