------------“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman --------------- "everything in this world exudes crime" Baudelaire ------------------------------------------- king of the gramatically incorrect, last of the two finger typist------------------------the truth, uncut funk, da bomb..HOME OF THE SIX MINUTE BLOG POST STR8 FROM BRAINCELL TO CYBERVILLE
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
The Doo-Doo Chasers
Now I may not be able to tell you what happened on some cable television program or pontificate of what I think may happen on some contrived artificial reality show, but I am in a position to conjure and offer perspectives on other contrived non-events such as what is frequently called politics. More specifically issues of somewhat basic precepts of democratic centralism and constitutional republics.
I have been
told by the brain trust in the vicinity of the Beltway that self-determination
means nothing anymore, unless it is decided upon by individuals who have no
stake on such self-determination. I say this because from the President down,
seems that the SEO meter is running on a simple phrase that the referendum in
Crimea is illegitimate and illegal, and even that as such, the United States
will not (never ever ever ever even) recognize its right to self-determination.
This is not
only sociopathic but also inconsistent with the plurality evinced in our own
constitution, but even more so in the articles of confederation, the bill of
rights as ascribed via the Treaty of Paris.
is as if just by saying such, it makes it a fact or truism.
I mean a constitutional scholar (in theory) asserting anti-constitutional
beliefs. This when, if it wasn’t for Washington, and even the EU helping to
overthrow a democratically elected leader of another sovereign nation (Ukraine),
we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Moreover, what makes even more absurd in the
logic offered for this position by the Obama administration, which for the
record asserts that the
referendum cannot be valid unless the entire population of Ukraine votes and
agrees with the decision by Crimean’s. A funny and strange position to take
when you study past U.S. history with respect to the South Sudan (all of Sudan
didn’t vote) and Kosovo from Serbia (no Serbians were allowed to vote via U.S.
The simple fact of the matter
is that we, America, should mind our own business and tend to the home front
where we have real interest and not just the plutocratic interest of the ultra-wealthy.
From a historical perspective WE KNOW that the two elephants in the room that
no one is really discussing are: (1) the historical US/NATO desire to be able
to surround Russia militarily and (2) access to the Artic, in particular since
all these international bodies being so concerned with ‘global warming”, have
green lighted more drilling there. These folks have to contain the Russian
military because it will be the only way they can try and get all of the
natural gas it has as well as access the infinite northern border Russia has with the Arctic.
Again, the United States has no interest
that is national in the Ukraine when compared to Russia. Not only do the
Russians have a large naval facility in Crimea, the folk there do speak Russian
and it was conquered originally by Catherine the Great. Moreover, Moscow is not about
to invade Ukraine and we all know this, it just sounds good to make folk believe
that should be a reason for us to be upset. Outside of that, what is our
national interest in the Ukraine? Is it to spread democracy like we did in
Libya and Somalia? I mean fact is where ever we try to spread democracy all we
get is a lot of dead Americans, a destabilized nation, and large Blackwater
This time we have messed with the wrong cat, a cat from a nation with conviction, who has very strong leadership skills, and even more than this REAL national interest in the region. This is aint no doo doo chaser, this is Putin.
Bill Clinton,
Crimean Supreme Council,
self determination,
South Sudan,
Monday, March 17, 2014
The Beyoncé Effect and the Re-Negrofication of Black America
Recently I have been
thinking, that I am glad South African apartheid was gone before Alicia Keyes, Rihanna & Beyoncé
were born because I really believe that they would have performed there just to
get a check. Now I am not holding the
aforementioned to the platitudes of others like Stevie Wonder or an AliceWalker or MayaAngelou, who in their youth and currently were more conscious and global than
the three cited previously, but I am questioning how lost one has to be to take
a stance against nations and regimes that treat people like cattle?
Recently I just
learned that Beyoncé has just informed the world that she will be performing in
Israel in this year on June 15. Now I am certain that many who have been
hammered and for lack of a better word Beyonceified, do not see this as a big
deal. But I would also speculate that
the same folk were not even around let alone born when Apartheid was alive and
well in South Africa.
We should all be
aware of the issues that presently and historically confront Palestinians, in
particular children whom are frequently used as targets while walking to school
by West Bank settlers and the Israeli military.
This I hope is a given, but what I am more concerned with, which is
rarely addressed, is the manner in which Blacks and Africans are treated in
Over the past
few years, the Israel government, under the panoply of Zionism and the desire
for a pure Jewish state, have been rounding up Africans and
placing them in detention camps they way Hitler rounded up Jews and placed them
in concentration camps. The only reason why, is because they are black and
Africa and politicians openly state this to the public. The official policy is
to treat them as animals in the exact same fashion South African Whites treated
blacks during apartheid and this is not an over statement. This short film can
show you in images what my words will never be able to convey.
Africans in Israel are
frequently attacked violently in the streets of Israel and there homes,
apartments and businesses are often the targets of arson and fire bombings,
just like blacks were targeted in the South in the United States during the
1960s. But the Israel government even takes it back to the way in which the
United States treated many black women and force sterilize African women in
Israel today without their knowledge or permission. Just a few weeks ago, CCTV
recorded an Assailant caught beating an African refugee at Tel Aviv port for no
apparent reason.
I would go on, but my
goal is not to belabor but rather question how could a person not realize that
playing in Israel is giving tacit support and approval to an apartheid regime,
the same way such was during Apartheid in South Africa? I really do wonder what many of the
entertainers of this generation think (if they think at all) about what they do
and what their actions represent. Whether it is Nicki Minaj defacing Malcom X
or Lil Wayne denigrating Emmett Till, or Yo Gotti taking the classic ‘I AM A
MAN” sign used in the Memphis garbage strikes in which Martin Luther King, Jr. was
assassinated and changing it to “I AM A GANGSTER.”
Albeit consequential, I
have decided to call this the Beyoncé effect. She is no different than any of
the other examples have mentioned, it just so happen she is the latest to show
her ignorance regarding how blacks outside of New York and Houston are being
treated today. It is this Beyoncé effect, in my opinion that is causing the re-Negrofication
of Black America. And by re-Negrofication I mean the dumbing down of a
community to the extent where being informed, well read and supportive of proactive
self-determination is a worthless morality when compared to the dollar bill.
Re-negrofication takes effort because as Benjamin Franklin said, "We are
all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."
Alice Walker,
Alicia Keyes,
Benjamin Franklin,
Maya Angelou,
Nicki Minaj,
South Africa,
Stevie Wonder,
Yo Gotti
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Again or Still? Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Libya
Seems like there is
rarely a mention of Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Libya in the mainstream
news anymore, and more importantly, from the oral cavities of U.S. politicians.
Maybe we might hear about the occasional bombing that happens in Iraq each day nationally
since U.S. forces invaded the country and left, in particular in Sunni
dominated areas, to live along side al Qaeda just to survive, or a word or two
from a lame-brained republican about Benghazi, but really that is about it.
I am even more
assured that we will not hear about Afghanistan (with the exception of their
lunatic of a President Hamid Karzai) or Libya. In particular from the hawkish
John McCain, Lindsey Graham and more exacting, from the lips of President
Obama. Especially now with the feces
hitting the proverbial Ukrainian fan.
America is really in
a leadership, or even more basically, hand-holding vacuum. See real leaders, or better yet statesmen can
walk the walk while holding the hands of folks who require baby steps to make
any progress on anything. In Iraq for example, it is coming to pieces, it may
be three or even four states by time all the smoke clears. Last year alone,
more than 10,000 people died, and most likely many more. And just in the first
month of 2014 alone, more than 1000 Iraqis were killed in car and suicide
bombings, most of which were civilians.
If we were hearing
about Iraq, we would be reminded of how we meddle into affairs that were not
ours, on a completely other side of the globe and which we leave in shabbles. If
Obama or the media mentioned Iraq, they would have to show how the al Qaeda
group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has taken over the region, a
region were al Qaeda never existed be for the U.S. Invasion and occupation of
Iraq. Or how refugees from the Western part of Iraq and in the Anbar provinceare making fast motion to become refugees in Jordan. Or even worse, how the man
we installed as Prime Minister (Nouri al-Maliki) has provided no service to
Sunnis, made them focus of attacks, and used government troops to squash any
open and “democratic” protest against his government. Now unbelievably, Sunni
side with ISIS against another U.S. backed regime. And Libya is definetly out of the question with the Islamic extremist being in control of ALL the oil and even shipping it to North Korea. And God forbid i mention that the Libyian Parliment ousted Prime Minister Ali Zeidan out of office Tuesday.
Now back to Ukraine,
am I the only one that considers the hypocrisy of U.S. Foreign policy with
respect to the rhetoric hurled towards Russia?
If my history is correct, the only nation I recall Russia, since the
break-up that is going to war with was Georgia in 2008. For Obama to say that Russia needs to respect
the borders of sovereign nations is kind of lames, and like someone not living
in my home telling me what to cook: given the U.S. has had at least four wars
(all undeclared) with Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan and currently
bomb without any respect of “territorial integrity” to use the words of
Secretary of State John Kerry of places like, Yemen, Somalia, Kosovo, Serbia
Bolivia and you name it.
It is even more
ironic when one includes U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
(wife of Robert Kagan), be caught and recorded telling the U.S. Ambassador to
Ukraine which leaders of the Ukrainian coup should be placed in a new
government and which ones should not when she quipped, “Fuck the EU.” How is it
that a simple statement is considered more news worthy than the content of her
telling a “sovereign” nation to put who the U.S. want in office and not the
people of said nation?
Even to consider the
Ukraine as a ground for the start of a “liberal democracy” is ridiculous, when
we all know it will only become a western puppet nation run by feudal
oligarchical landlords. Not to mention everybody seems to forget that if the EU
and America were not sitting on their hands, they would have been able to have
played a role other than watching the game from their living room sofa’s.
U.S. hypocrisy
regarding the Ukraine is shameful and beyond ridiculous. We say or Describe
Putin as being like Hitler (Hillary Clinton’s historical inaccuracy) yet taking
U.S. tax payer money to the tune of $1 billion to send to a government filled
with nationalist fascist yet they don’t have any money to spend on behalf of
American job seekers. We say it is anti-democratic and wrong for people to desire
and practice self-determination in the Crimea but ok for all else in Egypt,
Libya and Syria. Which suggest according to this Administration and the many
before him, self-determination is only cool when it serves the U.S. and no one else?
We all know that it was Obama that described the desire of the Crimean people
to vote, and want to vote on their future as “undemocratic” and “illegitimate.”
But none of this
won’t be told or mentioned by our government or news media. The reality is if they
did bring up Syria, or Libya, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, out hypocrisy would be
on the red carpet for all to watch and document and equal to them shooting
themselves in the foot..
Monday, March 03, 2014
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Putin Seahawks versus the Obama Broncos
If I may, I would
like to explain the terse yet strange relationship between President Barack
Obama and Vladimir Putin. To use a basic football analogy, like the
Seahawks, Putin has scored on his first five possessions: Syria and Assad,
Edward Snowden, Sochi Olympic with no overt terrorism, China and recently the
In Syria, Obama has
thrown his support behind Al Qaeda against the will and majority of the Syrian
people and in Ukraine; he has thrown his support being mostly fascist neo-Nazis.
It is well documented that most of the key positions in the newly formed Ukrainian
government have been given to neo-Nazis via the tacit financial support of the
United Sates government. I mean ask yourself, who comprises the Svoboda political party? Then, most of the
popular protest openly is against what Obama is for politically. The demands
of the Ukranian people in Kiev are anti-abortion, anti-welfare, closed
immigration, “ethnic mongrolization”, homosexuality and abortion. Yes, Obama
has thrown his backing behind the largest population of ultra-nationalist, fascist,
and racist in Europe who don’t even support his progressive belief orientation.
Now I know many will
say that Obama’s pre-democratic party happy hour cocktail party was or sent a
strong message to Putin, but in reality, his words are like mythology of the U.S. criminal justice system which
asserts that everyone is treated equally, regardless of race or class
First, the United
States need Russia more economically than Russia needs the United States.
Russia is the world’s largest supplier of Iron ore, coal, and maybe even fish.
Not to mention that in general, Russia is the largest mineral supplier and has
more than twenty percent of the world’s oil and more than fifteen percent of
the world’s coal. I would add that they also have more than 20 percent of the
world’s timber and nickel as well, and I won’t even mention Zinc, or natural gas
(did I do that?). Because when you really have a trump card to play economically,
it would be natural gas. Russia supplies
most of the Natural gas to Europe and if they decided to cut it off, it would
be a big problem for European industry, which happens to be America’s largest
trading partner. Even if Russia doesn’t cut off the gas, folk in the Central
Ukraine might, which still manifest in the same result.
Putin has masterfully
played Obama’s weakness and shown the world how empty his rhetoric is. No US
propaganda spouted from main stream media can undo this. While Obama speaks of
respecting the sovereign boarders of independent nations, he does the opposite
in Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and Pakistan. Thus any credibility in his
oratory pertaining to the Ukraine is disingenuous.

Now on the day that I
am about write and post this essay, we find out Putin has sent as many as 6000
troops to the Crimea and earlier on Saturday, the speaker of the Russian
State Duma Council Valentina Matvienko supported his actions. Elsewhere China has filed a case against Ukraine at the London
Court of International Arbitration for US$3 billion from Ukraine for the breach
of a loans-for-grain contract signed in 2012. Plus, the Swiss financial regulator FINMA, has started a
money-laundering investigation into ousted Ukrainian President Viktor
Truth be told, in my
ignorant opinion, the Ukraine , like Syria is a no win situation. In fact it
may evince to be 1853 all over again. And we all know what that means.
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