From Nabatiyeh to the Beqaa Valley to the south to
Ashrafiyah, Israel is cutting some heads over in Lebanon. The U.S. made F‑16I, with there navigation and targeting systems have been smashing the feces out of targets in Lebanon, most of which are civilian infrastructure. The say its to get at dropping Hizbollah's military arsenal to about 50%.
Maybe I am the only one to think this but it appears as if the capturing of two troops was just an excuse and that the IDF had been planning to do this regardless for some time. I mean they didn=t invade in on October 7, 2000, when Omar Sawayid, Benny Avraham and Adi Avitan were seized by Hizbullah . They didn't even bomb at that time. But now for some reason, with the help of the U.S., they proclaim that their actions are merely a rescue operation.

No question that hezbollah runs southern lebanon, but that is no excuse to bomb indiscrimantly, even places like the predominantly Christian Ashrafiyah. What
Isreal and the U.S. fail to accept is that Hezbollah is a bourgeois nationalist movement with support throughout the Arab world.
US has no leverage with any country in the region effectively cut diplomatic relations with Syria and encouraged talk of regime change in Damascus.They repeat endlessly that Israel is merely exercising its right to defend itself, and the blockade and bombing of a sovereign country, Lebanon, was provoked by Hezbollah's kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers.

They conveniently ignore the statements of the families of the captured Israeli soldiers, who have demanded that the Israeli government negotiate with Hezbollah for the release of their loved ones as part of a prisoner exchange, and criticized their own government for refusing to take diplomatic steps, wondering out loud whether the soldiers have been abandoned in the pursuit of expansionist aims.