I consider myself and equal opportunity offender.
Not that such is my attention (not intention) , but it is rather likely that what ever I write, type or say will offend some one.
Politically, this is true for black folks, white folks, gays, republicans and democrats.
However, I have never seemed to offend thinking minded folks who are objective and take side with information as opposed to a person (as many of the current Obama supporters do this day).
But like I say I call it as I read it. Didn’t see Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s address to the National Press Club but I did read the transcript. Like wise with respect to the President’s address in Egypt. But the latter is not important, I just want to straighten out some things regarding why I consider politicians as not being honest and trustworthy. True, I think the love America, but at times I cannot tell if they love it equally as more as they enjoy capitalism, avarice or fame.
I can astutely suggest this with respect to Dick Cheney. First it is obvious that he is talking out the side of his neck and unlike me, who attacks the policy positions of all Presidential administrations; he is attacking the man and the party. In his recent address to the National Press club, the former Vice President said that “We had a lot of blind spots after the attacks on our country, things we didn't know about al-Qaida. We didn't know about al-Qaida's plans.”
Blind, more like ill informed and even when they had the information they ignored it. Can say at least the current administration tries to stay informed. He added that “the broad-based strategy set in motion by President Bush obviously had nothing to do with causing the events of 9/11. But the serious way we dealt with terrorists from then on, and all the intelligence we gathered in that time, had everything to do with preventing another 9/11 on our watch.” Cheney even passed the buck saying “You know, Dick Clarke. Dick Clarke, who was the head of the counterrorism program in the run-up to 9/11. He obviously missed it. The fact is that we did what we felt we had to do, and if I had to do it all over again, I would do exactly the same thing.”
Dick Cheney has spoken about Obama relentlessly. But this is the man who said that Sadaam Hussein and Al queida were connected at the hip when we knew, even before the Bush administration took office, that there was no meaningful relationship between Sadaam Hussein and Al queida with respect to 911 at least. I mean the former head of the Counter terrorism program, Richard Clarke begged Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for an” urgently" high-level National Security Council review on al-Qaeda via memo on January 25, 2001. But as we know he was refused and Vice President Cheney states that he does not recall, suggesting to me he as Vice President did not think it was a threat or important to be informed about terrorist – a claim that he currently directs toward Obama. 
In addition, Clarke, on September 4, 2001, warned the administration, via memo of information regarding plans of an attack by al-Qaeda in a memo in which he wrote” ''to imagine a day after a terrorist attack, with hundreds of Americans dead at home and abroad, and ask themselves what they could have done better.''
Dick Cheney is one of the problems with politics. They don’t read shit, depend on experts to formulate policy, yet don’t have the time to read what said experts place on their desk. I don’t mind talking about policy, but it is disingenuous for this man to when he slept on the job and got us in the mess. Obama can't help if he better informed and smarter than Cheney, its just a fact. I just want to ask him, in the words of Kate Nash, “why are you such a dickhead?”