------------“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman --------------- "everything in this world exudes crime" Baudelaire ------------------------------------------- king of the gramatically incorrect, last of the two finger typist------------------------the truth, uncut funk, da bomb..HOME OF THE SIX MINUTE BLOG POST STR8 FROM BRAINCELL TO CYBERVILLE
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
SWAT team Arrest African American Mother who refused to medicate her Daughter

Child Protective Services (CPS) called in the police to assist in their kidnapping of the 13-year-old after her mother refused to medicate her with dangerous psychiatric drugs. When Maryanne refused to let CPS take her daughter away, they then called the police, who next smashed down her front door and attempted to raid her home to kidnap her daughter by force.
It seems that the powers that be have defined refusing to medicate your children is now considered to be a felony crime. According to the mother, the medications caused side effects in her daughter that exacerbated her condition. The medication, Risperdal is a neuroleptic antipsychotic medication with a know history for causing serious side effects such as abdominal pain, vomiting, aggression, anxiety, dizziness and lack of coordination.
Godboldo’s daughter was born with a defective foot that eventually led to the amputation of her leg below the knee. Upon which, she became a stay-at-home mother after her birth according to official documents. Regardless of the handicap, she played the piano and danced. Although the police did not have a warrant or any court documents whatsoever granting them any right to enter her home, they reported that she opened fire on them after the smashed through her door and a 12-hour standoff ensued.
She eventually surrendered to the SWAT team, and the state took her daughter to a psychiatric hospital where her mother and attorney claim she is being molested by the staff. Godboldo now faces multiple felony charges: firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
America: The Best Government Money Can Buy

It seems almost intentional, avoiding the declining value of the dollar for the pricing increases we are seeing in everything from oil to food to gas. Politicians seem to just want to exploit the issue by appealing to popular sentiment. The fact is that the US dollar continues to hit record lows against all major foreign currencies especially the yuan, Euro and the Yen. Add to that the recent IMF findings that China’s economy will surpass that of America in 2016, it is more that meets the eye when speaking about the rising cost of gas. Why? Because we are not going through a recovery as the government suggest but rather a debt spending boom based on the home buying explosion of years past.
Truth is US household debt reached a high in June of $8.7 trillion, and with rising unemployment and no economic growth, it is reflected in the reduced value of the dollar. Such impacts negatively US Treasuries especially since now the Japanese government will need to sell its US Treasuries to deal with and pay for cleaning up and rebuilding after the Earthquake. Add to this gumbo China, which has the largest dollar surplus in the world, saw it foreign exchange reserves increased by 197.4 billion U.S. dollars in the first three months of this year to 3.04 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of March.

And as long as the U.S. Dollar is continuously devalued (inflated) by Federal Reserve and U.S. government monetary policies, oil producing nations will lose money if they don’t raise the price.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Will Libya be America’s next Vietnam?

The actions in Libya began at a certain start date, albeit Bush and Rice made new in roads in the earlier part of this decade that may have contributed to what Obama has implemented to date. Such was not true for Vietnam, seeing that the US entered that war incrementally, in a series of steps between 1950 and 1965. President Harry S. Truman, in May 1950, authorized economic and military aid to the French, who were fighting to retain control of their Indochina colony, which was comprised of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
But the Vietnamese Nationalist defeated French forces at Dienbienphu in 1954, which led the French to create a non-Communist entity south of that line. Since the United States refused to accept this, President Dwight D. Eisenhower went into nation building mode that became South Vietnam. Similar to what the US and NATO are doing with taking the sides of the rebels in Libya.
Although not on the record, like then, we and other nations have sent military advisers to help the country’s rebels. Thus far to date, the NATO no-fly zone has failed to both protect citizens and aid the rebels. Both, similar to our first entrance into Vietnam where we intervened in the middle of civil war. The reason we lost in Vietnam was due to not have lucid goals and objectives and a lack of confidence in our mission in southeastern Asia. The same can be asserted for the current Libya policy where we have no goal and worse, do not even know who we are supporting.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lost in Translation From a Child of Monday Night Football

I was blessed. I was a child of Monday Night Football. I saw the first game. I remember the night Howard Cosell announced John Lennon had been killed, the Colts were playing. I remember bump and run coverage for in football my idols were O.J. Simpson, Dick Butkus, Fran Tarkenton, Conrad Dobler, Jack Tatum and Lester Hayes among others. I cried when my Vikings lost four supper bowels and celebrated when my Steelers won four. That was football. In baseball, I loved Luis Tiant, J.R. Richards, Oil Can Boyd, Steve Carlton, and every player on the 1971 to 1973 Oakland A’s. And Dave Winfield, well I remember seeing him win the college World Series and being MVP as a pitcher. A pitcher would would smack a ball so hard and slide head first because he was competitive and serious. But not as serious and mean as Bob Gibson. And there was difference in the NBA. With Jack Sikma, Bernard King, Walt Frazier and Mr. Sky Hook himself.

All this talk of a strike or a lock-out, NBA or NFL is beyond reason. I mean It doesn’t make any sense. Especially when people speak of how dangerous their jobs are. When I grew up, professional athletes worked during the year – regular jobs in addition to playing their sport. Sure times have changed but the greed avarice has to stop. Like I said, I know some of yawl will say they deserve the money, that they risk life time injury, that they spent their entire life playing these games. Yes games. By this logic, they don’t deserve what they are being paid. I mean military personal (by choice) like athletes select what they desire to do. And no one anywhere can tell me that a running back or power forward does more to deserve millions of dollars than a solider or a teacher.

But again, objectivity is not of importance. What is stated as being of importance is what they do, which is entertain. Which is strangely curious to me for I cannot understand why they need more money than a person risking his life for their freedom when they already make millions? All of this is lost in translation. It’s just a game; it’s not life or death. Sure a knee injury could destroy an athlete’s career, but it aint like they stepped on an explosive device. Maybe if most athletes would finish or even attend classes while they were in a school they would be able to discern such.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ryan and The GOP: Just another 80s Boy Band to Me

Ok, I hate to say (really I don’t) but I was pro-phetic like pro football regarding my reference to Obama as being the New Tricky Dick in My post this past Tuesday. Yep like Jimmy “Super-Fly” Snuka, he dropped kicked Paul Ryan and the Republicans. I could not write this on Wednesday, since I wanted to re-read the Ryan budget again to make sure gloating was appropriate. But like I said, I was prophetic.
In Memphis there is one colloquialism that aptly describe what the President did. 1] He pulled his player card.
Now trying to keep it simple, after reading House Budget Committee Chairman Ryan’s budget, what sticks out is that the GOP's cuts come from overturning Obama Care, which would save $725 billion by repealing the subsidies folk would have get to help buy health insurance. In addition, Ryan would drastically change Medicare. Instead of the government reimbursing doctors and hospitals for certain medical services, seniors would purchase a private health care plan and the Feds would then pay the private insurer up to a specified amount. The so-called "Path to Prosperity" would also lower the highest individual and corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 25 percent but neglects to outline which specific tax credits would be eliminated (maybe this is why he was a couple-a-few hundred billion off in his math concerning both cost of interest and Medicare on speculative budget reduction.
Now I can’t be mad at the last one because Obama has not mentioned any specifics either, but he does note the logic in the necessity of taxes, especially for the big Whigs inclusive of individual CEO’s, corporations and their owners. Thus the player card was pulled since Ryan and the GOP (sounds like a 1980s boy band) plainly just wants to use the deficit as an excuse to cut taxes for the rich.
Obama really rocked them with the player card (prescription drug cost reductions in Medicare Part D - ingenious I must admit. This is a real saving compared to Ryan’s proposal which only obtains such from budget cuts. I mean, in my family, I can stop spending as much on going out, but if I have to use it to deal with increasing gas and food prices, what do I actually save? Nothing. The boy band I referenced earlier must think I (representative of Americans, especially the under employed) am stupid. More than 60 percent of Ryan’s cuts come from programs that serve the needy, minorities and the poor specifically.
This is the first time Obama has really impressed me as well as show that he does have gonads. Truth is that Ryan’s plan won’t control costs but rather shift them to the poor and elderly folk who need the most with respect to medical care for example for the latter. Not to mention he states his plan would reduce unemployment to 4 percent in 2015 and 2.8 percent in 2021, figures that America has not experienced since the 1950s
For as Obama stated in his speech: “Around two-thirds of our budget is spent on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and national security. Programs like unemployment insurance, student loans, veterans' benefits, and tax credits for working families take up another 20%. What's left, after interest on the debt, is just 12 percent for everything else. That's 12 percent for all of our other national priorities like education and clean energy; medical research and transportation; food safety and keeping our air and water clean.”
The Ryan budget shows me that as a nation, we need to invest more in education, especially basic math.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
NeNe Leaks, Lil Jon and Star Jones: Cowards Afraid to Speak out against Donald Trump’s Claim Obama Not Born in America
Just last week we lost a great scholar who made a career in speaking out for truth and against racist dogma, Dr. Manning Marable, but now, it seems we are top heavy with more entertainers and athletes and celebrities that thinkers, intellectuals and those concerned with the collective over the individual. True, entertainers and celebrities can hold the banner for such as James Brown, Bill Crosby, Arthur Ashe, Hank Aaron and Muhammad Ali did in the past, but such is not the case for celebrities today.
Over the past few weeks, Presidential hopeful and tea party fuck boy Donald Trump has been front and center in stating his belief that President Obama as not being a native born American citizen. Triumph, a billionaire and executive producer of the weekly television show “Celebrity Apprentice.”, has received some criticism from African Americans but not much. Especially from celebrities.

On his show there are several people of color including the rapper Little Jon, the reality television beneficiary Ne Ne Leaks, singer Dionne Warrick, and Lawyer Star Jones, but to my amazement, none have spoken out openly against Trumps assertions that Obama was not born in America. I find this troubling for two reasons. First that they are afraid and subconsciously see Trump as a slave master who would be more prone to chop off their foot for not changing their slave name (a metaphor for money) than to stand for the truth and their community. The second is that they appear to be cowards, afraid to voice their beliefs in support of Obama, as if they have forgotten they will not have water hose sprayed on them or dogs let loose on them.
I am very saddened that in 2011, people feel obligated to act more as slaves than free individuals. That is unless they too believe Obama is not a native born American. If they do not, then they seem to serve their selves over the community, the same community that supported them and made them wealthy. For being ashamed to voice a political opinion for a man you support is both loathsome and cowardice and reminds me of what George Orwell once wrote: In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Obama: The New Tricky Dick

Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Florida Republicans advances bill Supporting David Dukes Idea to make welfare applicants undergo and pay for drug tests