First I wanted to thank you for all that you have done in our community and to congratulate you on your success, prosperity and extreme wealth. I really wanted to thank you for the recent scholarship you awarded. I believe for a special student. The grand prize winner got a $1,000 scholarship, an autographed CD and poster and a pizza party for their whole senior class.
This money will go a long way to covering his/her tuition cost and maybe even books. It just bemuses me as to why or how you came up with that figure. Especially, you being the type of person that easily drops 5, 10, 20 or maybe even 50 stacks on a single night in Magic City or the Body Tap. Please, Mr. Crackeried, I am not trying to tell you what to do with your money but rather think about alternative means making it work for the audience, if you think 1,000 bills shows your commitment to the community you require guidance.

Mr. Crackerfied, I would also like to acknowledge you worldly accomplishment of addressing the UN on behalf of millions of thirsty Africans. I have traveled Africa extensively, and will be there again in April. This is truly a problem, along with other things that need not be spoken. But my query is why not things in your /our own backyard do. I figure one could just as easily fight gentrification, invest in the projects from which you came, and increase property value and pride. Mr. Crackerfied, you know the majority population will never do such for they do not care.
Mr. Crackerfied, why is it that you let your brain get distorted by your money and forget to be all that you can be. Why would you even think about taking any kind of residue on an airplane in a container straight of James Bond. With 117 million dollars left on your contract, surely you could aford to have the party waiting on you. I mean, not to mention, you were on your way home. Is it not possible to have the judgment, regardless of whatever the particulate was, to have that particulate at home waiting on you?
In closing, I just wanted to offer some advice, I know you are trying Mr. Crackerfied, but we have a lot of ground to make up and I figure rich and ultra wealthy folks like you got a role in this also. With all the money we get as a community Mr. Crackerfied, no reason none of us should not be having an annual income of at least 25K. Mr. Crackerfied, we are at war, and the only way we can do that is to think about the best way to empower our economic potential and educational prowess. What’s supporting one or two boys and girls club any where we are? That’s maybe less that some canary colored diamonds in a nigga mouth. Or start some after school programs, even if it’s just for the school we grew up in or the entire community? I figure that should not cost any more than one watch or Lamborghini or Rolls. Mr. Crackerfied, if you get the chance, dissolve that salt teen behavior, cause you don’t realize like I do, that we are at war and being such, I am just a scholar general, offering instruction to my solider.