And what does it say about you if u are in a relationship, or if u are not in a relationship?
Not the next door neighbor u grew up with, or your homeboy in town, but someone u met, and by date I mean drinks, strip clubs or out to eat?
Be honest, I'd like to know.
No. Not if he is married, or romantically attached to any woman. First, I couldn't aid him in making a fool of her. I wouldn't do that to another woman because I wouldn't want it done to me. Second, I wouldn't want to play second fiddle. I consider myself as deserving more than another woman's sloppy seconds. Third, Karma is a bitch and I definitely do not want to get on her bad side.
If your talking a romantic type date, no cuz karma is a mf'er. I know how it feels to be the woman at home. There are plenty of women who date married men exclusively, but that's not me. I have a coworker going through some serious mess right now for dating a married man. It's not worth it!
Personally, I would not go out on a date with a married man. I feel that once a man/woman is married, he or she should have no desire to meet "new" friends unless its a business matter. Therefore, I have no desire to entertain or please another woman's man...I refuse to be second, third, or fourth to any man and on top of that, I wouldnt want it done to me. I believe, and I know that this is not the case for every marriage...but for my potential marriage, I would want my husband to be my friend, my date, my drinking buddy, my everything. There would not be room for another woman, unless this woman was in his life as a friend, before I was his wife. I do believe that men and women can both have platonic friends of the opposite sex, however I should be fully aware of this friend and the type of relationship that this woman has with my man and vice versa...if we are both comfortable with that, then he can have dinner with her...I see no danger in that. And on top of all of this...I think it would be disrespectful to my husband to be out like that with another man. I understand that every marriage isnt perfect and that some people tend to "stray" from their marriage in the midst of their problems...however, dating others is not the answer to your problems. Its not worth all of the drama!!!
Well first of all I wouldn't date a man in the first place. But a married woman is off limits because love makes men do CRAZY! Things and I love my life. As far as dating a woman in a relationship I would and have done it. It ads a little spice to the relationship. I wouldn't expect her to be wifey because if she does it to him she will do it to me.
No lady would do such, but a ho or whore would.
Once a man's married I find him highly unattractive.
So, nope.
No--I wouldn't. I don't believe married men should date outside their marriage. In my younger day I did date a married man, but that was because I didn't believe it was infringing on the marriage. I wasn't interested in a long-term relationship--certainly not taking him from his wife--who would seriously want a cheating man?! It was something fun to do--no obligation, no commitment, no cooking, no laundry--just fun on my terms. I was reading Cosmopolitan and Forum instead of the Bible. Believe me, I had to pray hard for forgiveness for this!
Dating a married man says alot about that woman's character, judgement, morals, etc. How would she be able to expect that man to respect her as an individual? Contributing to the fact that he is stepping out on the vows he took with another under the Lord is feeding into his greed to have his cake and eat it too! Furthermore, women are crazy and they will do just about anything to keep their marriage together and to keep their man! With that being said...NO I would not date a married man, who is one who can not provide me an emotional attachment!
Dating a married man who is not capable of being emotionally attached to you is crazy! That says alot on a woman's character, judgement, and morals. Besides attachment, he most likely will pretend that he respects but he doesn't especially if he can disrespect his wife! And Ladies we all know that a woman will do anything to keep her marriage together!
If she is in a relationship, then what does it say about her man, especially if he is providing for her? What does it say about how she values relationships and committment? Such a woman would be willing to give up what she has at home, especialy if she has a good man, and for what, excitment, attention.....she is a pure fool
a woman, a lady, of character and of value would never go out with a married man PERIOD. I do not care if it is for drinks or to eat. It shows a lack of charcater and judgement if she does and may even represent something even worse.
No, that is a lack of respect and morals. Why? what is the point? If He "is" getting divorced then u can wait to at least see papers filed or something. Even if its not romantic unless that is a old friend or a co-worker; other than that it can only lead to trouble. What married person of either sex needs to get new friends of the opposite sex???? Let him be a pig dont you go lying in the mud with him....
Lana (caramel_cutie1550)
Hi there...I've dated a single man, a divorced man, a married man, and a widowed guy....been there, done that. Not proud of it all, but I can't take it back. What does it say about me? Well, I would say that AT THAT TIME I was settling for less. I didn't think too highly of myself or respect the union of marriage...AT THAT TIME. I don't consider myself a ho or a whore, just a woman who needed some help in relationships, be it friendly or intimate. Thank God for changes :)
I certainly do not agree with dating married men and I do not do so; however I am not so quick to judge a person that has or to say that a person lacks character, morals, values, etc because they did so. If there is one thing I've learned it's that we all make poor choices at least once in our lifetimes. I'll give a person ONE chance when it come to this subject matter but when one intentionally seeks out a man/woman that is spoken for and ruthlessly pursues that person with no concern for the spouse or the institution of marriage, then their character, morals & values become suspect. Just my thoughts....Baby Cuz!
Not a chance. Neer speak in absolutes, but that is one thing that I will ABSOLUTELY not do. Hate the concept, and I dispise infidelity, in any form, whether guised or obvious. "There but for the grace of God, go I".
Absolutely not. That's a sign that you disrespect not his wife, but also the insitution of marriage itself. The married person asking me on the date is just as bad, if not worse.
Besides, Karma will whoop my behind if I do some foolishness like that.
Damn, there sure are alot of responses to this one...that only tells me that most if not all of the women saying "oh heavens no!" are probably the first ones to pull this stunt...with women, anything is concievable as soon as yall give yourself an excuse to do it..."oh, he said he was unhappy at home" "oh, i was drunk and wasnt thinking right" etc...cmon ladies, gtfoh..."men are dogs" for a reason...they cant cheat by themselves.
WOW! So where are all the "ladies" who are actually creeping with these married "men"?!?!?!? Hmmmmm....maybe they hide among us!!! I personally thinks it's a shame for anyone to cheat on anyone. Once you're in a relationship (married or not), it's a done deal. If you're not happy, get out. Simple science! Too much disease and heartache in the world...
Only a woman wh reads or read superheads book would.
What type of date? Furthermore, what would a woman be missing from her current relationship to "date" a married man? Maybe the person she's dating should examine his relationship with this woman, he could be the cause of it all.
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