According to reports, Tony Yayo and several of his friends were leaving Violator Management and saw Rosemond’s son walking down the street dressed in a Czar T-shirt. News reports suggested that Yayo then backhanded the boy with his jewelry-loaded hand and proceeded to curse at the child and towards Czar Entertainment. Witnesses claim that Yayo pushed the boy against the wall, showed him his gun that was tucked in his belt, asking why he was wearing the t-shirt and how old he was. While he was being transported by police, Bernard bragged to reporters “Fitty’ll get me out- I’ll be out tomorrow”.
The child’s mother released a news statement in which she described Yayo’s actions as a “cowardly act” and that it “was a step away from child molestation.” I honestly do not get what is wrong with folks who let celebrity and the so-called credo of violent behavior for the sake of keeping it real; make them not see right from wrong. I agree with the mother, this is a bitch move and we should not tolerate such nonsense anymore. In addition, we should be very careful about how and who we place on pedestals as a function of their celebrity status. Marvin Bernard from this vantage point is just another punk who should be in jail. The problem is that his fans, and the women how admire his lifestyle will still seek to be with or want a person like him in their life.