When I was growing up, one of my favorite places to go was to the concession stand. Whether it was at the movie or the Mid South fair, I always liked seeing all of the stuff I could buy and eat. But as I got older, I realized that concessions or for one to make a concession was a different story. You see, a concession is “the act of conceding or yielding, as a right, a privilege, or a point or fact in any activity involving people.” Now I know that it can be used in the form of giving in an argument or discussion, but that is beside the point.
In relationships, it is extremely important to make concessions. If a person is not willing to yield to you or your feelings, your family, or your beliefs, as you are them, then something is wrong with that picture. I was speaking with a friend recently and she told me that her good friend had gone to see a man in another city. That she had stayed the night with this man and that she liked this man. However, when the man was in her city, he did not have nor did he make time to see her. But still, he expected her to drive back down to his city to spend the weekend with him again.
In my purview, I suggested that this was unacceptable and that if he could or did not make time for her, she should not make time for him. In my eyes, it was on him to reciprocate and show her that he appreciated her, her company and that she had value. My friend told me that her friend was all broke up over this. I said she should not be and that we all desire to be loved and told her to remember what Teddy Pendergrass sang:

It's so good lovin' somebody
And that somebody loves you back
To be loved and be loved in return
It's the only thing that my heart desires
Just appreciate the little things I do
Oh, you're the one who's got me inspired
Keep on liftin', liftin' me higher
So yawl folks remember that and never feel bad because you se love as a two way street between two people for we all want and desire someone to love us back – no excuses.
In relationships, it is extremely important to make concessions. If a person is not willing to yield to you or your feelings, your family, or your beliefs, as you are them, then something is wrong with that picture. I was speaking with a friend recently and she told me that her good friend had gone to see a man in another city. That she had stayed the night with this man and that she liked this man. However, when the man was in her city, he did not have nor did he make time to see her. But still, he expected her to drive back down to his city to spend the weekend with him again.
In my purview, I suggested that this was unacceptable and that if he could or did not make time for her, she should not make time for him. In my eyes, it was on him to reciprocate and show her that he appreciated her, her company and that she had value. My friend told me that her friend was all broke up over this. I said she should not be and that we all desire to be loved and told her to remember what Teddy Pendergrass sang:

It's so good lovin' somebody
And that somebody loves you back
To be loved and be loved in return
It's the only thing that my heart desires
Just appreciate the little things I do
Oh, you're the one who's got me inspired
Keep on liftin', liftin' me higher
So yawl folks remember that and never feel bad because you se love as a two way street between two people for we all want and desire someone to love us back – no excuses.