Today was a bad day. It would have been a good day to come home to a hot cooked meal, some loving arms, to have a hot bath drawn and some good loving – but I don’t have such available to me. This morning when I got in my office, some grief that had been building up finally hit the fan. Yep, most of yawl know I am an associate professor at a
HCBU, a medical school, and that prior to this, I was at a
top ten university located in Atlanta. Today I was given a letter by my dean requesting that I be dismissed from the faculty because I select to stand for my
forth amendment rights.
Yep, that’s what happened. See they, want me to sign over my loot to them and to give up my consultation practices on the side. They say that all of my time belongs to them and that I should let them pimp me as such. Seeing I aint no fuck boy, I told them to suck on these.
They say I am not allowed to make any money outside of what they pay me – albeit, I have yet to receive a raise since being employed up in this camp and I put in 50 hr weeks. The strange thing is that they actually believe this. I was taught that no man shall make any laws that infringe on individual liberties and constitutional rights – in particular, the right that I AM IN 100% OWENERSHIP OF MY OWN LABOR.
This was not a problem at my prior institution and in fact they lauded the accomplishment and promoted that faculty consult to promote their income. But not up in this camp. Now I’m going to have to Perry Mason these fools.

Yep, today was a bad day and I wish I had someone to comfort me now or at least show that they care about me. And they wonder why they can't compete with the private majority white institutions of higher learning. But I aint mad because like the motto on the state of New Hampshire License plates, I will “live free or die.” Guess folk gotta put the war paint on now. And they say they concerned about the well being of African American men – hum bug. I wonder why they don’t know about the constitution, and someone tell me, what ever happened to the
4th amendment? They say I should have asked for permission before getting the contract when I got it in 1999 and didn't start working at my current job until july 2005, aint that some.......
Thats a sahme and some FUS. i thought Lincoln freed the slaves
perfect night for me to be there.....id do just wat u want....cook u a meal...run u a bath..give u a massage..and fuck u to sleep
bac&bac44THis is just your next step T. Don't falter, or feel bad! So they close a door, God's opens windows bigger than all those doors, and here's a big hug, not as close as you want, but just as warm!
All I got is some dap for you bro for giving them yo azz to kiss. I'm always ready to hit the bricks just in case some mess gets ready to go down. Don't get me wrong, I believe in being gainfully employed, but we been through to much to be cow towing in the year twenty ohhh seven!
Peace King -- raised fist!
HBCUs never cease to amaze me how far they go to coon.
Handle biz. I don't understand why we try to hard to keep each other average and then wonder why our enrollment rates are on the decline.
Hey T.
Sorry to hear what happened and at the same time it seems like an all too common situation with us not truly supporting us. I would think they'd be proud to have you on staff doing your thang and representin them and all of us as you consult and share your talents... I'm proud to hear you've been working as a consultant along with being a professor at a HBCU. On paper that's something to hold up and claim with pride. It's too bad they choose to tarnish such a positive image for all folk to look up to. I'm still proud of you, though and I know you gonna still do big things and represent in the right way for your real true folk!
this is deep torrence. Keep ur head up brutha u stood for what u believed in and gave ur best to a obviously selfish instutition but let me be the first to say that when god closes one door he opens the world up 2u & u have a degree which u can someday come back and lead them fools 2 betta understand the 4st admendment so stay positive in ur search for a betta opportunity more suited for ur educational background and ur right there is nothing betta than a brutha coming home to a lovingly and balanced meal and supportive arms
i am deeply sorrowful for every obsticle that u so bravley faced today i wanted to take time out from my obsticles today to let u know that i care and that i will be genuinley praying that god will open doors for ur career and strengthen ur family during these trying times i do know that god will not put on us more than he feels we can humanly bare so stay strong and remember u do have some loving arms to come home to ur lil king and queen and some day she gonna burn it up in the kitchen for her loving daddy so keep my comments here right next to ur heart and im glad that i came to show i care 2 day i am leaving but got ur im and wanted to reply to wish u happiness and sucess
Groove E
Thats why you do what you do and you are who you are. In the words of the rock group SemiSonic "Closing time - every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." They also wrote a book called "How I machine gun a room full of record executives". Don't do that thought. LOL!
The 4th amendment was never implemented on our behalf and was never intended too. Probably never will be. Its funny that you directed them cats towards your testicles because thats where they were headed anyway. They still want to hold us by the nutz man!! Still trying to inflict pain to get the results and responses they want from us. That atmoshpere was not in tune with your harmony and destiny had to manifest. Change is good, keep it moving homey!!!!
good looking folk - now them iz folk folk - Alveen (afrotechnia and SMOOVE)lets make some muzk soon
when reading this it breaks my heart, just to see a successful black man doing his thing. Only for someone sitting back looking and wondering why -- so to put a damper in things lets dust off some books and say he is not aloud to do anything but work for us. How ridiculous is that.. The best part is when he is on the best seller list which he will because this is motivation enough, I want to deliver the news to them. Keep ur head up luv..
Brother I got your back! I Truely understand the frustration you are facing. the said thing it is our people who inflect the pain on us! Stay strong stay black!
don't let this slow your roll!
What?? Say it aint so Dr. Stephens!
Sorry dude
the NH motto is a logical fallacy. Death isn't the only alternative. You can also say live free or kill them. You turned in your letter but I haven't looked at your blog in about 2 years so I don't even know--but have you sought counsel?
Thats some bullshit....Fight it, if you have been doing it since 1999 and this is 2007 and you've been with them since 2005 fight them hit those cocksuckin sanctamonious nigga's where it will hurt.
Let me calm down. Don't feel bad, you are a King, a strong mighty warrior, with intelligence, and also a gifted individual, you will have no problem finding another position. Fuck em and be free life is short you don't need those type of restraints put on your free spirit.
God will show favor upon you i know.
forgive my spelling!!!!!!!!!!
i've tried to post to your blog several times but always have difficulty. blame it on the system!!
anyway, just wanted to tell you that Mo'hous' is on some bullshit (as you well know).
any thoughts of returning back to emory? i'm sure they'd take you back in a heartbeat. or maybe it's just time to fly solely on your own. you're certainly talented enough and good-lookin' enough (heehee).
i've been bitten by the fishing bug (learned to fish this summer). any lakes near you? trying to find some big ol' bass and bream this coming weekend.
peace and relaxation
perry mason them you must.
some thangs NEVER change! u r not the only STRONG Black MAN who has gone thru this same $hit with the HOUSE NIGGAs (and I truly HATE that word....but u gotta call it like it is!!) at that particular HBCU in that particular department! u know what I am talking about!!! We (NUBIANS/AFRIKANS/however we call ourselves)and especially in those at HBCUs function just like HEADS of nations once under IMPERIALIST rule of some european nation - still puppets....still oppressing each other.....STILL AFRAID and TOO DAYUM IGNORANT to STAND UP and truly FIGHT for what is RIGHT!
The good food, kind words, knowing looks/eyes, soft/warm arms and THE REST!!! We have lost that $hit - fighting to be something we aint!! That is another DAYUM story! Our men r fighting like hell to hold on to WHAT THE HELL IT MEANS TO BE A MAN....and Women....dayum....our true assets r just not valued....so we lose our $hit too....that is another ....too long story!
All of it!! It is pure bull$hit....and black folks....aint goin nowhere FAST!
No one has to say it! Remain the strong black man u r! Remain positive!
Dang that is messed up. I am glad that you aren't willing to give up your freedom just for them. God knows and He will take care of you. Cause that is some bs! lol Anyway...good post man.
As a graphic designer, I encounter this all the time. Most design house contracts prevent employees from doing any outside work, in fear of losing business. It's pretty standard in the creative industry, but I was surprised to hear of it occurring in the academic realm. Seems counter-productive to me. Be a well-rounded professor, but become so with no contact outside the university? WTF? It's their loss man. Wish I could be there to see their faces when Oprah has you on her show and introduces you as "FORMER xxxxx University professor Torrance Stephens."
Yet another black on black crime. Sorry to hear it bro but I know you're a resourceful and intelligent brother who'll do what he's gotta do to take care of himself and his family. Make sure to get a copy of that contract and show it to your lawyer.
Brother T; if I had not read this I would not believe it. Are we still in the Cain vs. Abel syndrome?
My people, my people! May Jesus help us ALL!
Peace & Blessings
Your Memphis Homie!
Sorry!!! I pray that God opens up a new door for you!
thanks for the love folk dontworry folk aint going postal but its nice to know others feel that MLK letter from a birmingham jail was the tightest 6 pages ever
Sorry to hear about that, T! (And I'm really confused, 'cause I don't understand why one thing has to cancel out the other.) Keep your head up, though. I know there are bigger, better, brighter things on the horizon for you!
God bless you!
I am truly sorry about what happened. Spread your wings and fly.
Yeah, that doesnt make any sense to me. How can a university expect its profssors to improve themselves if they dont engage in outside activities? One doesnt get tenure by just teaching classes.
I am sorry that you had to go through that.. I will keep you in my prayers.. Better things are to come.
Sad state of affairs but I have no doubt that you will end up greater later. Keep rising! Your destiny is calling. Strut into it my brother. May all that's yours meet you there. Be well!
I always wondered why professors like Cornel West stick to white institutions....stick to your guns!!
It's absolutely ridiculous that an HBCU would impede the progress of an African American Scholar who provides a substantial knowledge base for so many of our people. Bro, you are the truth and it has to prevail in every aspect of life. The chains have long fallen, however the politics of oppression are still present. We must fight this dogma at every corner. So as Pac would say "Keep yo head up"
Stand on what you believe my brother God closed that door He willopen another
Buck Up and stop crying!
anonymous - last one, no one is crying and if u could read I am bucking up. not to mention u the only one that think i crying, who are u George Bush, the dean, or a psychotic? Its folks like u who bringing down all we need to work for as a people. u probably aint never had a job or cant keep one. im here so u know where to find me
and u were not man/woman enuff to leave your name - pathetic
who ever said buck up and stop crying had to be a man, most likely a white man or an uncle tom - any sister would see that u are standing tall, and holding your ground in the footseteps of King and Malcom. You are a rare and strong black man - stand for what you believe
I pray that you'll come out of this like a champ.
Son, I care and offer support in whatever you decide to do. the best is yet to come for you. look out, it ill be real big. mom
mom u da bomb son rdb
Morehouse is a fantastic Institution, and you all are crying for this baby making fool...
And to all you "pray to god" folks, where was God when this so-called injustice happened?
Yours Truly,
The no job having.....Uncle Tom
lol anonymous - we love uncle toms too, they just tend to be self rightous, petty, selfish and ungrateful. meaning they love to take but never give or have nothing to give. but like they say in the ATL go kill yo self, unless u the kind of person that say stuff but dont put no actions behind your words. I would only be a fool if I had a person like you in my corner because you would stab me in the back and leave if i had no money - lol. translation trick ho (male or female). thats y u cannot leave your name or email.
Good on ya!! stand for something or fall for anything...
Oh they trippin. They think just because you work for them you supposed to slave for them too.
I don't blame you. Stand up for your rights and do what you gotta do. Yeah, I don't blame you whatsoever.
oh hell nall. that is fucked up! wha u gin' du?
I know I'm a little late getting to this party, but I just have one word for it--jealousy. [I know there's probably a bit more to it than that, but I'm sure jealousy is a big part of it.]
I went to an HBCU, and I knew from the time I set foot on campus it wasn't for me. HBCUs and non-HBCUs have their pros and cons, and they ALL haver their internal games along with their social/political/bureaucratic bs. Which is why I chose not to pursue a career in academia. [Which is why, at the moment, I work for myself--my last academic position was "the last straw."]
I think that for you, wherever you end up, it's a matter of figuring out the extent to which you want to play the game--the most important thing being--realizing that all of it is, indeed, a game.
In any case, I don't know if you're familiar with Prof. Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon and his
Last Lecture but he said something I thought was pretty profound, and that I keep close to me: “…brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something...”
Forgot to ask something--did I miss something that addressed the issue of a contract? That is, was it in your contract that you couldn't take on any outside consulting or other jobs?
I was just talking about this with somebody and we both came to the conclusion that if it's a contractual issue and it was in the contract that you cannot, then unfortunately, a contract is a contract is a contract...
ON THE OTHER HAND (deep breath here)...if it's not in the contract, then I'm sure you already know, hey, go for it.
And again, where ever you end up, make sure to put those things out there on the front end (although I know that sometimes things develop that one cannot foresee on the front end).
So, keep us posted. And work the game. I have a whole "game theory" with regards to "us," so to speak, but that's a topic for another day.
Play to win. {I'm not saying kiss anyone's ass, but just--play to win.}
Sorry for the long posts! ;-)
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