1] Stop smoking weed in front of your kids
2] Don’t curse around your kids or even worse curse at them.
3] Take that money from the clubs and bars and spend it on some piano or tap lessons or basketball
4] Turn them videos off and the radio on the morning and listen to NPR, sports talk, or suffer with the Disney radio (they good for teaching sentence structure and vocabulary).
5] If you are not working, do not put your children off with the baby sitter. Spend as much time with them as you can.
6] Stop fighting or beating on your woman (or man) in front of your children. They will suffer the most in the end. Violence is not the answer – least always.

7] Read to them all the time, and let the see you reading, especially newspapers each day.
8] When you can, sit at the table together and eat and talk
9] let them see honor, integrity and character by letting them see you live your life as such and by standing for what you believe and what is right.
i know im missing some, so all additional info is welcome, and thanks for the love folk. good lookn.
How about exposing them to the world via travel. I am still waiting to go to Africa
Stop naming your children names that you can't even spell
Stop having babies with men that you have known for four months
Great post! Embrace them, show them you love them, tell them you love them, and encourage them to fly!
It's imperative that we as parents provide a nurturing environment for our children especially when it pertains to moral values and education. To many people are busy watching their children grow up and not rearing them in a productive manner. I take my hat off to you Bro, because I see you taking the front line in providing for your children regardless of the sacrifice it requires and you will be blessed immensely for it.
love this blog!
i am so disgusted by some people who have kids.
they curse around their kids and have all kind of dudes coming by the house at all hours of the night. even telling their kids "come here little ni**a".
i mean i know i don't have the right to tell someone how to raise their kids, but its starting to get ridiculous.
Stop letting yo kids watch any and everything. Filth in, Filth out.
The same goes for music. There is nothing worse than seeing someone rolling around with the music blaring profanities and you look in the back seat or worse the front and a baby/toddler is in the car seat (if they are lucky)
As someone working toward her teaching credential I have to commend you on everything on your list...it's perfect! And of course I especially love seeing #7 promoted. Being able to read unlocks so much in a child's mind (and an adult's!), and opens up opportunities they may not otherwise have the the good fortune to experience. And for goodness sakes, if a book has been made into a movie, PLEASE have them read the book first so they can be allowed to stretch their own imagination before having a "set" view imposed upon them.
Again, thanks for a great post!
6] Stop fighting or beating on your woman (or man) in front of your children. They will suffer the most in the end. Violence is not the answer – least always.
How about stop fighting all together!
Black Folk, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop having babies before you have a Spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!
well said, but one can still be a responsible parent still. and there are thoese who marry and continue the same. i would never marry some one if they did not show me thier love in action, did not stand by my side, support me or take care of me, show me my value and worth
I think this is most import@nt! If possible prep@re for your kids! Enrolling your kids in priv@te/Christi@n schools is one w@y to ensure th@t the v@lues @nd mor@ls you te@ch them do not f@de @w@y with the influence of others. If you p@y @ttention to children you will le@rn th@t most of the d@m@ge is done when they @ttend public educ@tion systems.
Thats cool, you are one of very few brothas that actually takes time out to think of those things. Good lookin out....I love it
Tell it like it is...great list. Now if we can get some folks to do some of the thing on it :)
Great Post!!
But you know the people who need to read this would stop after #2 and call you a hater.
Beautiful, T. Each and every one of your points is CRUCIAL.
BTW--I'm addicted to NPR!!!
6] Stop fighting or beating on your woman (or man)...PERIOD!
~ Make sure you love SELF before engaging in activities leading to having children. ~
Teach your child to love, respect, and honor God, themselves, and others.
Talk with your child about sexual predators ect...it's unpleasant, but it's reality.
Open communication is very important! Even about the unpleasant things in life.
Good post!!
this truth will set us FREE! sounds like you're "preaching to the choir" - but TELL it ANYway, Brother T!
Before we can teach our children ANYthing - let us be honest with ourselves! If one more "educated" adult asks me why I have no kids, yet. I. Will. SCREAM!! Don't we know that birth control was invented in 1965? AND there was the rhythm method BEFORE THAT! GIVING BIRTH is a CHOICE = make it a GOOD one! Too many of our children are walking OOOPses (yea, I said it:-).
I CHOOSE marriage FIRST - even if it takes a lifetime to GET there!
okay, Brother T - u struck a nerve. LOL!
PmfoDH Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
V3eSYe Wonderful blog.
Nice Article.
Hello all!
Hello all!
Hello all!
Good job!
d6hQuT Hello all!
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