According to his lawyer, it will be set in a escrow account controlled by Billy Martin’s Washington, D.C. based law firm. They say it’s to pay for restitution decided upon by the court. This makes me sick to the stomach, giving all this money to dogs.
Why couldn’t he or his lawyer say that the money would go to scholarships for African American males leaving high schools for college or for after school math and science programs for primary and middle-school age African American male youth? I tell you why, because it is still more appropriate to provide a nurturing environment for a dog (Canis domesticus) than African American men in these United States of America.

No one can find the caretaker of the dogs now for comment Rebecca Jean Huss (in picture), a professor of law at Valparaiso University and the court appointed caretaker of the dogs. Ain’t that some shit, it takes $900,000 to maintain and find homes for some pit bulls according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and groups like PETA.
Glad to see folks care more about dogs than me. That’s why I said before, Mr. Vick was stupid for the choices he made, now not only is he losing money, but his philanthropy, albeit court order has more significance for dogs, than his own folks.