Man, what is the world coming too? I just found out that one of my favorite boxers growing up (along with Ali, Simon Brown and Marvin Hagler) Thomas Hearn’s was arrested. Hearn’s at one time in his career held the WBA, WBC, WBU and IBO titles in the welterweight to cruiserweight divisions between 1980 and 1999.
But check this out, he wasn’t driving drunk, beating on a woman, or transporting narcotics like so many athletes have done so in the past to have confrontations with twelve (police). No, he was exercising his parental obligation and authority over his child. I just can’t figure what is going on when a nigga get arrested for being a parent. They don’t arrest folks for neglecting their parental responsibility. Personally, I do not think Hearn’s should have been charged with a crime at all. If as reports read are correct, if his 13 year old son swung at him sounds like he has forgotten that he was a child and wanted to pretend to be a man. As a result, if he is a man, I’d knock him out if possible if he was my son. Maybe not with a complete fist, but I would. Hearn’s really took the high ground by just pimp slapping him.
I figure we all have heard that if a child is living in their parent’s home, then they should do what they say, or that I brought you into this world and I will take you out. My concern is that liberty and being a responsible parent is at odds with law enforcement officials, lawyers, and child advocates. In addition, I don’t know about you, but I do not want anyone telling me how I should discipline my children. Not to mention that the Southfield Police Chief Joseph Thomas indicated that the child hit his 47-year-old father first.
It appears that Michigan law requires police to make an arrest if someone is injured in a domestic assault case since Hearn’s left the boy-child with a swollen eye, and cuts on his nose and chin. Since when does the law suggest that a person, parent or not, do not have the right to respond to a child's punch or slap, by punching or slapping the child back?
I guess if it was me, and I were in Michigan, I’d be in jail too and would be facing misdemeanour assault and battery charges as well as being out of ten stacks ($10,000) for bail. Good Looking Mr. Hearn’s for showing the rest of the world what it takes to be a parent.
If more people were discliping their children -- not abusing, but letting their children know that they are children, not men or women who happen to share your home -- fewer young people wouldn't be wilding out.
Thanks for dropping by my spot -- come by anytime.
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foul. for busting the kid's lip and eye. seem there's a fine line between discipline and abuse. having said that I'd have got more than that is I even thought of swinging at my pops. belts and whips come to mind.
it's worse in the uk. humans will call po-po on you if you smacked your youth. which is required when you having a screaming prat in a shopping center or resturant.
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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