In this age of ballers and big shots, it’s kind of refreshing to be a plain ole country boy. After work yesterday I went to have a slice of pizza and a beer as I normally do after a late niter in the office on Wednesday. At the bar, I sat next to two associates of mine who write/work for the same urban weekly I submit and publish these opinion-editorials for. They were drinking. I ordered my usual – a PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon) and a shot of Cuerveo. Looking down the bar and around the room, I noticed I was the only man drinking PBR. Everyone else was drinking expensive imports and other bottle beers. First I tried to figure what was so special about the beers they selected in comparison to my PBR.

The gentleman next to me finished their beverages. As a kind gesture, I offered to buy them what I was drinking. One said “if it is not Patron, I can’t drink it. I retorted, "well don’t get him a drink. The only reason he asking for it is because he hear the name in songs and on music videos”, speaking to the bartender. It made me realize that we are some fucked up folks, not amenable to accepting a free drink, unless it has status to it. The tequila I consume is based on taste, and I’d really prefer Sauza,

ballers won't be going out of style anytime soon, so you might as well stop waiting. that said, i think there are more folk out there who aren't ballers than there are who are. there are a number of folk who pretend to ball, though. i guess until they realize their self-worth isn't determined by the external stuff, they'll continue with the game.
in the meanwhile, when i'm trying to flex my status, i buy a bottle of boones farm.
lol, aint that the truth. I really don't like for folks to know how much money i have, i may be broke as long as my kids are worth 237 stacks, im cool
I don't know what it is that makes black folks so materialistic... that it's all about the bling bling and the ballin'. It's gotten ridiculous, where I've seen people who can hardly put food on their table wearing diamond earings and iced-out chains. I think it's kinda sad.
A PBR is straight country for REAL... and if you can order it like that "Gimme a PBR" then you're officially IN the country. LOL
I'm sorry - as a beer DRINKER I will tell you that there ARE differences. Like I personally HATE the so-called KING of beers... LOL but I can do a cheap ass ghetto MGD (miller genuine draft). But what do I prefer? Truthfully? Imports. Heineken (Holland), Beck's and Corona (Mexico). *shrug* They DO taste different.
And *ahem* as a tequila drinker... PLEASE do NOT tell me you can't tell the difference between Patron and Cuervo!!! GET OUTTA here!!! There is a huuuuge difference!!! ROFLMAO I'm almost offended. LOL Sip... yes, I said sip... some Patron Platinum. And you tell me you can't tell the difference between that and some worm-killing Jose Cuervo. LOL
@yqui....yep im in the ATL - str8 country for real, and im from memphis - yep, str8 countryfor real. and I dont like patron, albeit i have a bottle of patron aneago, alsong with 14 others including sauza, asom Broso, El Tesoro de Don Felipe, Herradura-Amatitán (92 proof thebomb), Chinaco and more. But I respect your perspective
Yo, like hey, i didn't know what to say when the drink was turned down my damn self...like ya know, all cuz had to say was "no thank you"...but thats my mans tho...but that cuervo reminded me of how tight that drink is...patron, i never drink that stuff unless its offered or im with some broad (that im not trying to impress ;-)
but i feel ya on the baller syndrome...i dont even go out in Atlanta hardly anymore because of it...everybody wants u to dress up, im like damn...they want to look like im going to a job interview or something...
that's atlanta for you. hella pretentious.
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