Around a week ago, Jeezy had a party for the platinum success of his new Album at this swank ATL nightclub. From what my folks tell me, there was little incidence in which a man beat down a young woman. The alleged man is Rodney Hill and he is the boyfriend of soulstress Monica. According to reports, the altercation occurred the night of Young Jeezy’s platinum party in Atlanta, GA at the Velvet Room. They say the party was packed and everybody, especially the women, were pushing and trying to get as close to the gangster rapper Jeezy. Even in the VIP, it was reported that the party area was extremely crowded. It was at this time it is reported that a diminutive woman was said to be standing in front of Monica’s fiancé “Rodney Hill”.

After which, it is said that his glasses were caught in the young woman’s hair and he went into a raging triad while all the time the young woman was apologizing to him. Onlookers who saw the event first hand alleged that Mr. Hill then grabbed her by her hair, pushed her to the floor and started to pound on little momma. It is stated after he beat her up and when the young woman stood up, her eye had been beat shut. It is even said that he wanted or threatened to beat up a friend of the young woman with a bottle. Need I not say that Mr. Hill was not arrested for this act of manliness?
I don’t see how any woman first of all would want to marry a man that beats on women. I do not want to say this is the woman’s fault, for I feel that no man should hit any woman (unless they are giving their daughter a spanking). However, I wonder what was it that lead this woman to be so caught up to see a rapper. One could suspect she was even intrigued by his self-proclaimed thug and gangerstism, which again, I do not see what a woman would find so appealing about a man that purports a propensity and enjoyment for hurting people in his community by killing and selling drugs. I will say that It does not surprise me.

Many of these men have no home training and couldn’t even spell or use the words gentleman or responsible in a sentence. Where were the men at? I mean they so hard and stuff, they should have whipped his ass. Oh, they likely beat on women too. However, women flock to these events I guess in hope of being choose and used by a fool. Even if they know this person via their lifestyle, running back and forth to jail (maybe even prison)will likely always lie, and cheat and be unfaithful and uncaring to his significant other. I would like to think that we can all make the tiny steps to stop this nonsense. However, it seems as if we never will as long as folks like Rodney Hill and Jeezy are the kind of men women want to take home to meet their parents and our little boys want to grow up to be.
Hey Rodney, find a man to beat up on. You can step this way, but I apologize, I don't beat up on women.
Personally, I dont feel it shameful for women to flock to Jeezy or people like him. We live in a diverse world and people like what they like and who they like for different reasons. Me personally, I dont care for Jeezy, however, there are artists that I do like and that I do go to support. Not to say that I run all up in crowds trying to get close to them...however, some people do. Regardless of the fact, this Rodney guy had no reason to put his hands on this woman. NO reason at all!!!!!!! He was wrong for that. Regardless of what she was doing or what she was trying to do...there was not a reason for him to abuse her...and he should have been arrested!!! Yes, she put herself in the situation by getting in a large crowd, but she did not set herself up to be beat down!! That was just wrong...and I bet he wouldnt have done that to a man! "Mi-Mi"
Damn, these so called men are smoking something. What would a woman want a man that would beat a woman for. I agree Mi-Mi, I dont think All-Mi-T was saying it was the lady's fault. But rather violence is likely at events like this and that they kind of men atending them, although most are gentleman, have low self-esteem and based their worth on their money as opposed to looking and treating all women as they would their mother's.
Rodney sounds like a punk. My question is why didn't his boys step in and stop him. No real man would stand by and let that go down. I guess they are punks too
That's what I'm saying, if they so hard, protect our women - oh my fault, they Dis-respect our women and the women let them do it.
preach brotha! preach!
And rich is right, why didn't anyone man or woman get in there and stop him.
Don't just say it's shoulda been a man stepping up to help her. Any real HUMAN woulda did their best to step in and tried to stop him
You'd be surprised how dangerous a pair of heels can be between a man's legs.
When I first started reading this I thought you were talking about an incident that I witnessed at Verve on NYE...but I guess it was yet ANOTHER incident in a club where the men in VIP think they have license to pound on women if they disagree with them. I was in the VIP section at Verve when a guy started a quarrel with a woman a third of his size and despite attempts at restraining him, he lunged over several guys to land several punches in her face. I promptly left the club but heard that he was arrested after the melee. Lucky for the young woman, I guess, he wasn't a celebrity or part of any entourage.
This is a very disturbing follow up to a hip-hop documentary I watched on PBS last night. In it there were gangs of guys at Spring break who were walking up to the, albeit scantily-clad, women and fondling them in public!!!
I guess my point after getting over the shock and outrage is that there is something very wrong with where our society and culture is headed when it is OK for these assualts to occur and to go unpunished. I completely agree that this will not change until we ALL - women & men - say it must stop. We women can no longer accept this behaviour from their prospects/mates/spouses neither can we accept it from our sons! Men shouldn't accept it from their friends either. It is time for us to stop making excuses and to stop sitting by in silence. Our silence is acquiescence. Their behaviour is not cute, funny, manly, gangsta or any other pseudopositive descriptor we want to ascribe to it - it is just plain criminal!!!
I seriously wonder if the woman herself called the police to report her assault. Or did she, unwittingly, give him license to do it again by not holding him responsible.
Righto Rich...
lol Sylvia, "heels can be quite dangerous!"
Ditto, Anon#3.
Where the real men at? Where the real women at? Where the humans at?
Man they don't make them, men or women like they did in the day, cuz if a man was to raise his hand up against a women in public, he would get beat down, and if he raised his hand in private, it would be a fight. Now grant it, i'm no proponent of violence, but i believe if noone else stands up for you, you should stand up for yourself...damn did she at least scratch up his face, bite a chunk out of his arm or something??? (lol)
What a sissy! I am with you all on this, why women are attracted to these fools is beyond me. I can't imagaine kissing a man let alone anything else when all I hear from his music is women are bitches and hoes. I respect myself too much for that. Maybe that is it, these young women don't respect themselves and seek positive self esteem in others.
Its never too late for a 'beat down' when one is needed. My question: does the sista not have some male cousins, friends, brothas or someone who gives a dayum? Gives a dayum about Black women!!!! Where were the CLUB security guards? I play competitive tennis (amateur - of course)and we always have debates when men and women are playing as partners....who is in control of the match? who is responsible for defending their partner from being hit (by the ball)? Historically, it has been the men....but lately my male tennis friends have laid down their rackets and said....women you must defend yourselves....I just think men are turning into PUNKS!!!! I hate to make a blanket statement like that...but where are the REAL men anymore!!!?
If the events written in this blog are true, then Rodney is nothing but a bitch ass nigga, a coward, sissy man, a ignorant ball of testosterone, and should be put out of his misery.
I am a big girl and strong, but no matter how strong I believe I am, a man is physically stronger than woman. It doesn't take more than one hit to hurt us, but a real man would never take the chicken shit way out by raising his hand to her.
Not one man out of the entourage stepped up. Maybe its peer pressure, but its hard to believe not one young man had enough heart, enough courage to stand up to this Rodney guy.
Mr. Rodney just hasn't ran into the right woman, a woman who knows a lil bit about voodoo, or have a great Auntie who is a high priestess, or know how to cook a good meal adding that little extra something something .......I'm just saying..............
I hope that young lady's stops and thinks before attending these type of events and be a little cautious around these gangster rappers.
I can't for the life of me understand what the fascination is with the "bad boys", from James Dean to 50 Cent. In my experience (watching friends and family members in destructive relationships) they always leave you high and dry and like the young lady in the photo, with a souvenier to remember them by as the police take him into custody for the 'umpteenth time (won't mention those women who go and bail their sorry behinds out). Having said that,we need to teach our young ladies that they need to be ladies at all time (not groupies, doormats, cheap thrills or videho's) and contrary to The Game's song, you can get far keeping your legs closed. They need to stop flocking to these asses like they are gods and perhaps these "men" will stop acting like they are gods who can get away with any and everything. It all starts at home......
Wow. That is truly a sad state of affairs. Clownish behavior. *smh* And why didn't SOMEBODY try to step in? And Sylvia's right, a high heel strategically placed (between legs, kneecap, temple, forehead...) will definitely take the wind out of a person. I'm sure he's somewhere now feeling all big & mighty for having beaten down a female. Real smooth Punk Ass! And folk wonder why I'm so hard on the kids in my family - that ish don't work with me.
I just read your comment on Rich's blog.
I am surprised that you 'long' for a soul mate. You're too smart!!!
Three words: Sad, Sick and Irresponsible
Yo bro,again this is just another example of our people acting foolish.I am so sick and tired of this love affair with rap stars.This so called Rodney Hill is a Sorry excuse for a man.If this was my sister I would be serving life for beating his ASS to death.It never a reason for a Man to put his hands on a woman only in documented SELF DEFENSE!
The "Good Doctor"
girly girl, i'm am a creative spirit, i will always long for a soul mate even if its just my exposure to the universe
Wow, I just got around to this one, this story is completely inaccurate. I was there and this chick wasn't "Diminutive" at all. She was raising hell the entire time, screaming she knew this person and that person, even called another young lady a "B!TCH" all because she was asked to leave the VIP section once the celebrities started to arrive. All of this could have been avoided had she conducted herself like a respectable woman! Now she's gotten slapped around and is crying to the world! Stupid is as Stupid Does.
We all know you have to slap a bitch sometimes!
WOWWW And this is why I have NOT been to a club in ATL anyway. In general men are clowns in the club, but the reputation of Atlanta puts me off. Its so overrated IMO. People immediately think of celebrities and all the non-celebs think they are the ish here too. So I'd really expect men to act like fools here. I think in general people get caught up to see celebs and most people in those clubs and excited are people that normally dont get to see them (because they are from out of town or something). If I didnt come from royalty and (a smart mama) I probably would believe the hype that celebs are superhuman or some bullcrap. Regardless on what she was doing there, he was wrong. I could understand criticizing a woman for performing sexual acts, willing to do anything to see someone, but just being there, is a stretch. Yeah, I understand being attracted to "thug" images is pretty DUMB, I got that. But somewhere theres a woman that hes hit before if he could just fly off that quick. And its probably Monica. SMH Men dont do anything nowadays when they see stuff like that. Ive been attacked before (and no one helped me). They dont care and a lot of them DONT see anything wrong with it.
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