It appears that all the while before domestic disputes, slim was creeping with Jones who she moved in with. Now Jones has an apartment but he too is car less as well as jobless like slim. Now through their mutual creeping and co-habituating, sexual relations were occurring. Come to find out now slim is pregnant again, with car less Jones.
Now this is not funny, albeit it may yield a slight simper or two. It is really more the ridiculousness of the situation and poor decision making than is comical. What is it about some of us to place ourselves into situation in which we use emotion as opposed to reason to operate on? Jones is obviously the rebound guy, and she likely knows that, but yet she boning condom less, without a commitment in the form of employment or engagement to the dude. Add to that what is any grown African American above the age of 18, not doing with a job or a way to sustain them, in particular if they have a child? But that what being trifling, young dumb and no income will get you.
Yeah, that chick is defintely young and dumb. All of that co-habitating and sex is not going to nurture her child or provide stability for that child. Why would a woman want a man that has less than she...that cant do a thing to help her. She can do bad all by herself...why add fuel to that fire?? I dont get it. These young girls dont stop and think. Now she got caught up by cheating on her man and ended up with absolutely NOTHING to fall back on. Its really true when they say that the grass is not always greener on the other side...instead of running to a poor excuse for a man, she should have gotten herself together first!! Thats where we women mess up, we become so dependent on these men and then when things go wrong...we have nothing. Young chicks need to learn to get your OWN SHYT!!! Now, she will be another one that WE as tax payers will be taking care of because of her dumb decisions and lack of concern for her future. And if she acts so carelessly about her own life, just imagine what this child's life is about to be like. Kids do not ask to be brought into the world so its our job to care for them...and there are many methods of prevention if you are not ready for one! Maybe one day...these young females will take time out to view whats going on around them and try to be different and actually want something out of life. I make sure, I talk to my younger sister and her friends all of the time...and I lead by example! They see me doing my thing, living life, accomplishing my goals...and when its my time, they will see me being a wonderful, nurturing mother, able to care for myself and my children. --Mi Mi
I agree but I feel like it is all of our problems cause mainstream society is looking at us, laughing and saying "let them kill themselves". I have a little Girl and I'll be damn if I let her turn up like that.......
Today's values of human kind?
Yeah, we can be very quick to point a finger and suggest what we will never do! But you know we cannot live other people's lives nor can we say that we have enough information to understand the situation. What we can do.....make our actions speak louder than words. Adopt some of these young sistahs and brothas as our mentees....yeah ...even the ones that have made these crazy mistakes....Look at your family - cousins, neices...there is somebody somewhere who needs the guidance! Our society sets us up to fail and turns us against each other.....we have got to become bigger than all of that...make a difference and not JUST put folks on FULL BLAST!!!!
Well said Mi-MI and CAJ . The bottom line is that it is all of our collective responsibility as a community. My goal was to share this as a sample of what we have to go through and deal with collectively, if we truly want to evince self determination from the perspective of the group. Her problem is mine also as I see it.
This is just another example of poor decision making on youngs adults in the black comminuty.We have got to stress the importance of not having casual sex.There are enough unwanted black children in our comminuty.Lets educate our young folks before its too late.
the "Good Doctor"
Lazy, irresponsible, and sad come to mind when I reflect on their situation but, I have to say that I know someone who is in a similar situation (or was a few years back) and it didn't seem to worry them. It is amazing how some people don't think any further ahead than the next day or week, living just for the moment. This type of thinking is o.k. for a child but, as adults, it is shameful and saddens me. i hope that someone around them who is witnessing what is going on gives them a nudge to get a move on trying to improve their situation before the baby is born. If they are not being responsible, someone around them should be.... I am a firm believer that you are your brothers keeper.
Sigh. So it go. More the norm than the exception now-a-days. No wonder our chillun so messed up. 5 chillun wid 5 daddys, who nah supporting none'a the chillun.
stupid woman, stupid men who do not know what it is to be a man, stupid families who do not give there children proper skills of survival. even animals do that. stupid culture thst continues to produce the same failing conditions for future generations
Its easy to say what they have done is wrong.
But I would argue that we have all done things that probably could of benefited from better judgement.
I do know this.
When u dont have sh*t to loose you tend to take more risks. Your careless because you dont have much at stake.
But playa the moment you start obtaining things.... Mortgages,cars, houses, property and businesses. You put more thought into your decisions. And more time into planning your life.
Thanks 4 da add Dogon priest.
I'm Linking you as well.
Its easy to say what they have done is wrong.
But I would argue that we have all done things that probably could of benefited from better judgement.
I do know this.
When u dont have sh*t to loose you tend to take more risks. Your careless because you dont have much at stake.
But playa the moment you start obtaining things.... Mortgages,cars, houses, property and businesses. You put more thought into your decisions. And more time into planning your life.
Thanks 4 da add Dogon priest.
I'm Linking you as well.
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