But the night was not as bad as I thought. I landed on the ABC Family channel, an outcome that could have only occurred as a function of their being no more college basketball and four months before the first NFL game. But I was pleasantly surprised. The sound of Music was on. It reminded me of how we took city buses on a field trip from my elementary school in Memphis to go and see it at the Malco Theater. What I remember most about it other than the fact I was out of school was the fat as crib the Captain had and the sound track. Yep, it had the fat sound track.
Now I was looking at it in m bed, with my little princess eating rib eye steak. It was so rewarding, her sitting under my arm, loving each song as I did. Even standing up and holding m hand, dancing with the music. It is without question a timeless classic and one of the best love stories I would ever desire to show to a kid. Not to mention the Mack lines. Like when the Captain asked Frauline why she came back and hinted that he would have hoped that he was one of the reasons or that she missed him. That’s when he snuck slim off in the greenhouse and said “you can’t marry someone if you are n love with someone else – pure merciful.
They used to make some classic movies back in the day. Wonder if they will ever get around to making more classics today?
Never thought about the mack lines, but that's also one of my favorite movies.
I must say Brother Stephens - I'm a bit confused (not that I know u) - but how old is this "little princess" who can throw down on a rib-eye steak? LOL! just curious:-)
lol, Cap, if she got teeth, i guess she can too, throw down on ribeye steak...i liked this T, it was sweet and sentimental..and you continue to amaze me.
she is two almost. i cut it up for her of course. you can she here here lil momma
thanx for coming through on my blog, Brother T. She's a doll baby - as u've heard numerous times:-). May she grow into the Fierce Daddy's Girl/Woman that I am today!
The writer is totally right, and there is no skepticism.
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