I do not ever want to be said that I have forgotten about what real folk go through, race and gender aside. I know there are homeless and that I have a home; that there are foreclosures left and right down here in these parts, but I have no such edict; that people come back from wars diseased, distraught and penniless; that my children are safe and healthy and shown love by me incessantly, and that they are not the victims of drive bys, pedophiles or illiteracy.
Yep its hard, but we can never forget about real folks and what they go through, those that ride the bus every day, work two jobs or make the average annual income of 17,000K a year. Them folks that battle to keep lights on and food on the table, or worse a roof over their family head.
We forget too much, we don’t see our blessings and give the value of those blessing to those responsible for such. Simply put we take what we have, to see, to walk, to fuck, and to have companionship and health for granted. So I guess what im trying to say is that we should appreciate and value that which provides value in our lives unconditionally. We should bestow blessings on those who bless others and us for the sake of value and pray even when we not asking nothing, but just to say hank you.
I do not have rats in my house, and I have my heart. So even if I did, I wont forget that’s what real folk go through. I’m blessed; I have access to cyberville and most folk’s aint.
amen dr. stephens...good post for me to read right now...
Wow, what a great post!
And talk about timing with it; many similar thoughts to what I've been having lately. Goes without saying that life's been crazy around here in SoCal with the fires and has one realizing what is TRULY important. Plus, one of my best friends lost his best friend unexpectedly within the last two weeks, so heartache and sadness all around with that, too. It all pushes you toward putting life into perspective and realizing life IS way too short, and really all we can always count on is love, so make sure those you care about know you love them...NOW! :)
and i ate the crab cakes
gurreir - thanks for the love hon and u dont have to call me dr
socal - i will be in sd on sunday for a presenation i have to make at the int. national conference on correctional health and will be staying at towne and country resort
good post man!!
wow. thanks for the reminder. and if u wanna swoop thru vegas while you're in the west, holla!!
we never get the whole of a person by blog entries. this really tells you that. we'll never know all of you.
your son looks just like you. and your daughter is a lil doll!
haha...oh yeah...seems weird to call you...i don't even know what i'd call you...sir stephens?...you like that?...
I hear you brother. I tell my 11-year old to count his blessings because he really doesn't know how well he has it with two college educated parents at home, living in the burbs, and getting pretty much anything he wants. I grew up poor with six brothers and sisters. I could get one action figure for Christmas and it would mean the world to me.
Imagine what kind of world this could be if we put less emphasis on material wealth and more on helping those in need.
Thanks for the post bro.
Mystery and Joy - thanks
Tha 1 - wish i could, will be in san deigo sunday and monday and dc tuesday - wed
Guerr - yep, thats cool, shoot me an email braincellinc@gmail.com
EMan - how is the book coming?
Seriously, that's good stuff. I know that I'm blessed, but I don't acknowledge it on a daily basis. I've got struggles, but they're minute in comparison to what others lack.
*standing ovation*
And I will tell you like you recently told me - DON'T EVER LOSE THAT GOOD HEART FOLK!
True dat T! I'm thankful everyday!
I have to email the link for this post to someone who is constantly complaining over the smallest matters. This was excellent, and the subject matter is the reason why I am always so optimistic about life. My problems are simply issues in comparison to the situations of a lot of other people.
Beautiful post.
reality knocks at the door all day. we just have to wake up sometimes. thanks for reminding me from whence i came and how far i can go with what i got right now. i try to talk real talk about my real experiences. sending a few blurps into the universe at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=bygINCpresents to remind real folks. come, look and let me know what you think.
MP1 - u preaching too. We all just need to do more and support others when we can
Don - thanks main, they need to put us on tv but then they may arsenio us - lol
Miz, Jali & Femi - thank u
Bygpowis - thanks and i will chk u out
you ain't neva lied, son!
loved the post and i'm sorry to hear about your friend and wish the family well in helping the grandparent's needs to make her comfortable
E Manuel Carpenter!!!! What up brotha from another mother....I was looking for you at my uncles wedding!
@T: he is a awesome dude, T. A childhood friend from when jumpin off and flipping off front porches was an extreme sport.
Thanks for asking about the novel. I'm shooting for a 60,000-word rough draft by January 1st. I'm about 1/3 of the way there. I'm giving up Sunday TV and a couple of hours extra sleep every morning to finish it. Got a couple of literary agents waiting to read it. I'm a modest man but believe me when I tell you it's the best stuff I've ever written. I scrapped a sequel I was working on to do this book instead. The working title is "The Opposite of Love." I'm giving it a year for a traditional book deal before going non-traditional in 2009 if I have to. Anyway, it won't see daylight until 2009, no matter what route it gets published.
Whatup! I sent you an e-mail.
You know it took me a minute, maybe because my elders abused the quote “count your blessings”... When I finally discovered the power in counting blessings I discovered it blocked out all other options
I was once told "look around you, someone got it worse than you". Everytime I get to feeling negative and thinking about the things I don't have, I think about that quote. I'm living, got a job, roof over my head, transportation, etc. Some people don't have those things.
Can I just say how I am inspired by your ablitity to maintain your joy. It is not everyone who has the strenght to hold on like that, my brother. Seriously. My hates off to you.
Let me just say, Thank God for restraint. I don't like crab cakes and you didn't make me feel any better about them. Thank you for being a strong brother and not reverting to violence for violence.
I express the same sentiments as everyone else and I don't know your baby momma, but man! Enough said, that's your business.
DC - uan eman folk, what the worl dcomin to...,maybe wewill win in the end
Colored - u cant abuse the truth
Colored girls... - thank u im am who i am , not keepin it resl, i jus sint no fuckbboy
southern gal - some folks dont
One man = we inspire each other
Forge - the problem is im a eeal ni double g a my fault
Rich _ if i had to put it down , i know u aint no fuck boy and taht u would represent so i know that love and love it folk
DC - thanks for the info, Eman heads lok sto big to lead the flipf he front pourch albeit he himself is the truth
i feel you.
even though these last 2 years have been EXTREMELY trying for me, i'm still her & standing & my son is SO mighty and beautiful it hurts.
for reminding
us all.
There's poem in there somewhere. Beautiful words my friend.
Oh wow....
Your positive outlook is appreciated.
I hope things get a bit lighter for you.
the prisoners wife - thak u and u are welcome
clay - work that poem for me folk
Liza - hanks stop by anytime
Darn, you'll be out SoCal way (within driving distance--about 40 miles south of me), but I'm afraid that with two fires within 20 miles of me I'm a tad leery about heading too far from home. Thankfully it IS raining right now, but ya never know how these fires can change in an instant. Heads up next time you're out SoCal way, please? :) And have a successful presentation on Sunday! :)
PS Since you'll be a stone's throw from the stadium, could you please do a little cheering for my Chargers? All of the SoCal area (from LA down to Diego) could definitely use some distractions and some good news. :)
Thank you for this wonderful post. I'm in total agreement. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the blessings on our lives. Every day, every chance that I get, I bless the Lord for his goodness and mercy. My life is rich with love, good health, family, and income. Peace, Cennetta
SOCAL - no chager fan, love LT and mr. Tightend, and Im at the Town and Country Resort Holla at yo folk rm 1532
Stylist - thanks 4 the love
great encouragement as i take a quick hiatus break to check in on my blog-folk;-).
Hey Torrance...
Sorry to hear of your loss but definitely great to see you continue to be blessed with the incredible love of your children and the strength to keep keepin on despite everything... This whole year has been trying for me and it seems like a lot of folks going through stuff this year.. I'll be glad to see it behind me though I know the trials and tribulations come and go.. This year happened for many reasons and it's been a huge lesson for me but I'm comin up and feeling very thankful... I wish you continued success and blessings.. Hope to see you in January when I'm out your way...
I think that most times we believe our problems are the worst possible till we walk down the road to the nearest hospital and see someone struggling for their lives from a hit and run situation or worse then we realise that walking down the road alone could have meant the end of us. Bottom line we need to give thanks for the opportunity to breathe let alone the little priveleges we get. nice post.
Good word! Thanks for sharing your heart :) Too many of us don't know how too.
Just Damn! I don't think I've seen a good ButcherKnife stabbing since my Auntie "Tank" stabbed my uncle "Bay-Bay" back in 84!!!!!
Great Post, I've done far less complaining after reading it.
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