Just a query, we all know about sperm banks, but tell me this, is it possible to become a licensed independent contacted sperm donor? I mean, why go to a bank, albeit the selection is vast, when you can select the make and model of your sperm – both on and offline. I figure like this, I am a good person, and I think I have high octane, mandingo, zulu, put it on the plate super duper loop-t-looper sperms. And stating such, why can’t I be an independent sperm contractor for that corpus of women that may desire to have a child, and may desire certain qualities in their sperm that love in all cases may not predict such qualities to evince. I figure high IQ sperm. PHD sperm, and raw dawg country Memphis Nigga sperm may have a price somewhere in the sperm market. And add African American, 6-2, 180, and no diseases to the aforementioned (albeit there is a thin line between brilliance and insanity).
I could also give discounted prices since my overhead would be low (no pun intended) by providing direct and on site installation. Just a query? Especialy since I am unemplyed at the time? For real though!
I wonder how much the insurance on such a business would cost and taxes would be a M.F. But the child tax credits should offset any liabilities. The only thing I say is no pleasure, no treasure forget that hand to hand combat L.O.L
Your mind is working tooooooo hard right now...lol...you can be licensed, but bet sistas would be coming out of the woodwork for child support and such..lol...I also noticed that there are no lol's or roflmao's in this post...hmmmmmm, you do have pretty kids, and I haven't had any yet...lol
As long as you don't try to sell it on the subway for 5 dollar$!
there will be signed contracts, and i have heard the "i make pretty baies line before-lol. And 5 dollars never, half the price of the sperm bank, 3500. RDB
pS- subways are not sterile and do not proffer as an onsite intilation. That would require courier
well, u'll b following the path of our ancestors who were forcefully used for their stud services...
ancestors didnt get paid and according to the burgess statue to jim crow - coulndt contract self for pay. CAP
lol T, dayum...if one was wishing to impregnate, based on your criteria, then hell yeah, go for it!
the "studs" of yesteryear may not have been paid, t-dawg, but still there was no love in it...all's i'm sayin'...guess i'm just a romanick when it comes to ejaculatin' & combining bodily juices...
but, i ain't mad atcha for considering the possibilities. if i could've figured a way to make money the oldest profession way and still maintain my dignity and ability to love i may have done it years ago!;-)
true cap - but i need some more warrior scholars to help me do batle that dont think higly of patron and 24's and strip clubs
three words -- SHE HATE ME
if you haven't seen it, rent it.
Geesh, where did you come up with this idea?
just popped out
I could also give discounted prices since my overhead would be low (no pun intended) by providing direct and on site installation.
Hahahaha. Aw man, that was a good one.
lol @ gurlnexxdoor's comment, and your reply.
how much do u charge for the extra: stick around & help raise it? ;-)
i see ya'll trying to re-enact a "She Hate Me" moment here. That ish aint cool. I'm thinking that this is supposed to be a hit (or inject) and run.lol
LOL - Lawd,you having a twilight zone moment or what? You best be careful how you put this out there. You might come home to find some womens on ya do' step with tupperware in hand. LOL
LOL Cap, its just satire. and love the word usage folk.
help raise it.
hahahahahaha...i thought i had heard it all.
thank you for the laugh, T!
Torrance, can we please work on getting that "N" word out of your vocabulary! I suggest "Sketches of my Culture" Cornel West!
You see, we need a renaissance of self-respect, a renewal of self-regard. And the term itself has been associated with such abuse,"
"It associates black people with being inferior, subhuman and subordinate. So we ought to have a moratorium on the term. We ought not to use the term at all."
my fault will do - Richard Pryor was my favorite. RDB
I remember Richard cutting the word out of his vocab after visiting Africa, where he clamied to not have seen ONE "N".
God Bless Him!
i was about to say go rent SHE HATE ME....but mega rich already did. it is about your entire post. lol. thanks for stopping by the blog. your books look interesting!
hey can't knock the hustle.. start advertising, you'll be getting paid sooner or later.. lol
You had me until you used the word "unemployed". I don't want broke sperm.
Ahhhh... well in that case you're right on the top of my list if I ever decide to have another child and don't want to use man-friend's sperm (however I think he'll object greatly to that).
I figure like this, I am a good person, and I think I have high octane, mandingo, zulu, put it on the plate super duper loop-t-looper sperms
how was the date
May I just say that I know plenty of independant sperm donors...We call them baby daddies...Trust me, it ain't cute......
*Dead* Torrance you have too much time to think.
Pretty helpful info, lots of thanks for this article.
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