Friday, October 12, 2007

Flickted homo sapien sapien

I learned of the origin of man through the works of Chekih Anta Diop (my Idol), the Senegalese scholar. To me his most seminal works were The African Origin of Civilization, Pre-Colonial Black Africa and Civilization or Barbarism. It was him that I learned of the lineage of homo habillis, Homo erectus and homo sapien sapien (all in Africa). This is just a preface, since for the last two days I have been hanging out on Bankhead with my folk D4L at their studio. I say this because I have written a few essays but have been thinking about stuff, that I thin I should understand being that I am homo sapien sapien. Many of which come from the consternation proffered by the cathode ray tube. Here goes.

1] Ugly Betty. How don’t seem ugly to me but is rather finer than a mug.

2] Grey’s Anatomy. It is nothing like the book.

3] Human vegetarians that have incisors and Canines which by design are made to shred meat.

4] Women suggesting that Jay-Z is fine – when did this happen.

5] A woman not giving head to her man, and a man that don’t consume kitty.

6] Over-looking the history of a nation such as Turkey for genocidal crimes because they let us use their military runways to take supplies to Iraq.

7] Dr. Marvin Weinbaum, scholar-in-residence at. Middle East Institute (How can a person of Jewish descent be an expert on Islam – this is not anti-Semitic.

8] Why mainstream America see the most defining event of our time being 9/11 and the war in Iraq as opposed to Racism.

Just a few things that I don’t understand and makes me feel un worthy of my status as homo sapien sapien.


T. S. Snowden said...

Ha! LOVE the list brother!
First of all I dig Chekih Anta Diop as well! Funny because no one seems to know the man's work in my immediate circles!
1.I agree on Ugly Betty, although I dont watch the show the girl never seemed ugly to me..
2.LOL@Grey's Anatomy
3.Oops! I used to BE a vegetarian! I have since added fish and chicken to my diet. LOL
4.DITTO! He looks like Joe Camel to me!
5. DOUBLE DITTO and that is all I am saying about it. LOL
6.TRIPLE DITTO and dont get me started on our antics in Honduras and Nicaragua!
7.I always puzzled at White professors of African American Studies. just curious
8.Oh didnt you hear, Racism ended with slavery....ugh

Great post as always!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

You have some of the most provocative posts. Now I got some more reading to do.

I've often wondered about the differences in how people grow up and how they come to know the things that they do. You being a suthern main an all wood be a great study. (as my daughter and her friends would say "no homo" - my praise may sound gay, but I'm not.)

Xcentric Pryncess said...

4} Women suggesting that Jay-Z is fine – when did this happeN?

when he started making money, sisters started checking for him..I was the only female in my 9th grade class who listened to Reasonable Doubt.

5] A woman not giving head to her man, and a man that don’t consume kitty.

Could it me that they have homosexual tendencies and therefore won't participate? hmmmm

6] Over-looking the history of a nation such as Turkey for genocidal crimes because they let us use their military runways to take supplies to Iraq.

Turkey and Pork go well together.

7] Dr. Marvin Weinbaum, scholar-in-residence at. Middle East Institute (How can a person of Jewish descent be an expert on Islam – this is not anti-Semitic.

I had an African American Studies professor who was was hilarious. He was cool though..

8] Why mainstream America see the most defining event of our time being 9/11 and the war in Iraq as opposed to Racism.

Mainstream America wishes to forget racism....

Just a few things that I don’t understand and makes me feel un worthy of my status as homo sapien sapien.

I don't think that it is YOUR homo sapien sapien privilege that you should be questioning.

CapCity said...

u got a LOT going on undah them locks, Bru Main;-)!

Anyone can be an "expert" on any subject - if given the "credentials" & go ahead by the "powers" that be - ain't ya heard? Those who bestow expertise are the same folk telling us that racism is a thing of the past & that jay-z is fine...Look into my're getting sleepy....sleepy...


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

Femi - u a fool for that one.

Garth - I added u to my page a few weeks ago.
Rich - dk, but u gave me an idea for another blog and i will post next week

pryncess - now thats another blog too Turkey and Pork

Cap - so u gona hynotize me lol. i need more tequelia and i can kill some more brain cells

VAR said...

Always a blessing to checkout your spot T. You come with some refreshingly deep stuff... Racism is definitely THE event that will probably run till the end of time.

Anonymous said...

ur perspective is a result of you not adhering to key provisions of the social contract. recall our discussion over the years. p.

Dayne Avery said...

I like this blog. You have a great mind. I'm going to have to come back to check this out.

guerreiranigeriana said...

dr. stephens, you are hilarious...i'm vegetarian because the way meat is produced here is unacceptable for me...when i finally leave this country, i may consume meat again...the whole jay-z thing is funny to me so many others, like diddy being considered post!!...loved it...

Don said...

You make a great point with # 3, and the first thing mainstream America voices about slavery is - that stuff happened so long ago. The majority don't want to know how we feel about it but why are we still talking about it. Like Femigog said, racism is equated to slavery.

I've never seen Ugly Betty. LOL> And Jay Z's swagger and bank account makes the women all pause. After a certain age, they say it's no longer about looks.

mp1 said...

Lol @ grey's anotomy!

I thought racism was dead...that's what my fellow undergrads told me. See, I knew I shouldn't trust those white liberals.

Saadia said...

Lying to you about what?

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

VAR - aint that the truth, send me a book folk and ove on down up n this camp - ill take u to the gun show

Poopsie - Supper cool himslef, true and u know how we both recieved Jean Rosseau

Dayne - good lookn folk
Guer - maybe u should try dining on fat long country sausage LOL

Don - well when will brain cels become just if not more atractive

MP1 - i take it u read the books too, or had too for class lke me

Girly - a methaphor (n humor) regarding your poem

Stephen A. Bess said...

This reminds of one of Common's songs, The Questions? You bring up some interesting ones.

One Man’s Opinion said...

well, i can explain one.....Jay-z is sexy for the same reason that Flava Flava can get a group of young black women, as ig'nant as they may be, to vive for his nasty looking a** on national television. Money and the posiblity of fame can make the most rat faced of people look sexy. No, wait a minute. My mommy told me everyone is sexy in their own way. Scratch the first part of my statement.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

Bess - good look

OMO - i guess jay Z and flav are twins LOL

Anonymous said...

I can answer one of these wonders. Men who don't go down on women really shouldn't waste a woman's time. Because ALL women like to be orally pleased and if they don't.. it's because they haven't had it done right. Women that don't go down on men. We only give it to get it babe.

Anonymous said...

Lovin the list as well, especially

4 and 5!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

Christina - Preach and see Yum yum eatum up

Mis Under..... - Thank you

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen a woman sexier than $1Billon yet!

That makes Oprah the sexiest woman on this planet in my eyes!!!!

Marvalus said...

The list is hilarious! I wanna meet the chick who said Jigga is don't make you may make you attractive, but fine?

The blog is nice...very good work!

Unknown said...

I love the list!! so do you have an idea of a worthy place to Buy With No Prescription medicines.