Monday, December 03, 2007

will the real terrorist please stand up

In a few years from now, I may not be able or worse, imprisoned or executed for writing some of the things or expressing my personal views, I the manner I desire on such topics. In particular if Senate Bill S.1959 has its way. S. 1959 A bill to establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes. The billed has just passed in the house (H.R. 1955) and now is headed to the Senate. To add another stupid pet trick to the mix, the bill only targets United States citizens and make continuous use of basic Constitutional protections it targets in an effort to fight supposedly home grown terrorism.

The general purview for such a law is scary for two reason, first it is buttressed on the assumption that since 9/11, America is less safe (been the same to me all my as a man of color). The second is that the wording is unclear and vague at best. Based on the way it reads, this act could be easily used to label anyone or group that has strong critisim of the government. For example, in section 899a, “violent radicalization” is stated to “means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.” In the same section, Ideologically based violence ” is defined as “the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs.

Now I may be wrong, but are they saying “thought crimes” in the Orwellian sense, or as they put it, “Planned use” can be looked as an act of terror? Would my thoughts if perceived as hostile to a selected administration and being against our war efforts, posted on the Internet via my blog be considered as acts of terror?

I say yes. In section 899b, finding (3), it is written that “The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.”

The bill is supposed to be an amendment to the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and in the house, was sponsored by Rep. Jane Harmon (D-CA) -in picture. If you asked me, she should be the poster girl for what a homegrown terrorist looks like. For anyone who attempts to restrict my personal liberties under the guise of fear and paranoia, is the real terrorist – so stand up lil momma.


Anonymous said...

guess i need to watch more than cnn, bet and mtv, because i have not even heard of this

guerreiranigeriana said...

what???!!!!!!...*confused facial expression*...these cats never cease to amaze me...while we're sitting worrying about vick, stupid election debates, rubbish about iraq, middle east circular talks, nooses and the word nigger and other fuckery, they are passing bullshit like this...yeah, it's looking like i gotta pack it up, pack it in and get the f out...*shakes head and walks downstairs to get her luggage and start packing..*

Don said...
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Don said...

I found out firsthand the great level of "Big Brother" and I shouldn't have to say how it left me speechless, but I did anyways.

The Government is something serious. Made me take the time to sit down and read some lit I wouldn't have ever read (The Patriot Act). I don't think most people are ready for what the book reveals about what I refer to as ... The New World Order.

The attacks on the WTC didn't implement the Patriot Act either, the US Government already had the "freedoms snatching" literature in the works. All 9/11 did was allow the American people to not question it.

mp1 said...

Oh, I get it. Sort of like a modern day incarnation of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Anyone that makes the government look bad (as if they're not doing it themselves) can and must be eradicated. I'd hope that it wouldn't be interpreted in that manner by politicians, but you never know in today's political environment. So these are the tools of today's fight against terror; extraordinary rendition, the Patriot Act and now this. Does anyone think that maybe we're giving these politicians a little too much power>

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

anon - yep RIF - readin is fundamental

guerreiranigeriana - don run, the will make a law to come ATER YOU, OH THE DID AND I PAST FRIDAY

Don - couldnt have said it beter, "freedom snatching", u should coin that

MP1 - yep John adams still lives, impresive knowledge of history folk

Anonymous said...

I was going to say "unbelievable", but that's not accurate - it's sadly believable.

Are you into spoken word? If so, please email me.

Jamal O said...

I am certainly convinced that most of the American mainstream media is a distraction. Since its inception all forms of U.S. media seem to have the sole purpose of swaying public opinion to effect a certain Goal.

You will hear more bullshit about flamboyant entertainers that don't really matter, rather than very important topics every American should have a voice in, such as the Joining of North America, Canada and Mexico in the North American Union.

Ever hear of that one?

The Media and Education system work in tandem. In school your not taught how to think but more so what to think.

SO Alas we fight the crafted WAR on TERROR.

But I agree with the Buffalo soldier, When he asks "will the real Terrorist please stand up?"

After all we are looking for weapons of mass destruction. Yet WHO is the only country that has ever dropped a BOMB on someone?

Americans should look within.

I'm sure America was the Biggest Terror to the Japanese in 1945.

Your Blog is great T

Anonymous said...

Green Apple in Eastpoint
Wed. night - nice crowd - no cover - friendly folks -great spoken word - jali reading a new piece... (smile)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

jali - will do or at least try, single parent.

Jamal - can i get thoes three sketches, whats the price, and folk if u dont know, chk them out Political Dancehall Queens

and i agree they are a distract, i would quote maex and say opiate. But like ancient rome and the protocols of he learned elsers of zion said, blood sports, trickery and deciept. I agree completley with your observation of the situation

the joy said...

*nothing to see here folks, please use your internet for YouTube and free porn only. That is all. Please ignore the urge to organize into a machine of change. Thank you.*

proacTiff said...

*Feeling like a deer in headlights upon reading; perhaps, another time, put all unactractive photo references at the end of the post due to seriously blinding nature.*

@ Don: You know better than to put those three words on an Internet post at the same time. 'Nu Worl Ordr'...'Big Brother' gone be all over Raw Dawg's URL. *LOL*

david mcmahon said...

A lot of people don't know about the Orwell connection. Bravo ....

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

joy - thats all the want us to use it for LOL

Pro - she does look like she is "blinded by the lights"

Suldog said...

100% agreement. The Constitution may as well be toilet paper as far as some of these people are concerned (and I use the term "people" very loosely.)

Thanks for dropping by. Just a couple of thoughts:

Figure Four Leg Lock? Ric Flair fan by any chance?

And, yeah, Memphis. I wouldn't lay a dime against 'em.

Anonymous said...

You are right to question this and be angry! They distract us at every level playing on our emotions to help them so that we think we are aware. 911 was something planned in order to get the AMERICAN people to FEEL emotions, so much so that we are allowing the government to strip us of our very freedom.

The illuminaty are not stupid people at all. They understand the function of human responses. The ego-self (we all have one)has one motive and that is to control our activities. It helps us to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In doing this, we keep looking at all the fun stuff like MTV's, BET's, movies, music. They enlist the help of those we look up to like celebrities to push their poison of distraction on us. You see, they get how we function and they use our very nature against us. We all need to understand that the NEW WORLD ORDER is happening. For Centuries they have been putting causes into effect in order to subtly guide us to our own doom. And the majority of us buy it hook, line and sinker. Because we are unaware of our own selves and our own patterns of action and reaction. Even the little activities that seem so insignificant like watching cartoons with our children. Look for the unseen in the seen. They will NEVER tell us the whole truth, it would not serve their purpose.

Check out this link..... she breaks it down quite well....

one love,

Anonymous said...

One more piece of info......

The majority of homeowners aren't even aware that when they receive the deed to their home and go down to "register" it, they have just given the government the right to cease and assist their home anytime they want to.

There are smaller bills that look as if they protect us but it is all crap.

This is just one of many examples as to how they make us "think" we own something or that we have a "say so". When in reality we don't. Especially if we continue to be the blind leading the blind.

One Love,

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sull - solid bet, and i just finished wiping my as - and btw, ric among others, harley race, dusty rhodes, jerry lawyer, and dich murdoch

D - u need a church, id be there every day, are u a 5 percenter?

southpeezy said...

man...they been passing bills on our asses left and right this year man. using those WMD's on our ass...

Anonymous said...

lol @ needing a church!

No, I am not a 5 percenter. I don't claim a demonination. However, I do have the greates respect for the higher power. I am simply a student of life and I am trying to be aware of my self fist and then my surroundings.

If I did have a church, or anything of that nature, I would be humbled by your daily presence!

I am gonna send you an e-mail again cause I never received a reply from the last one but I have more videos I can share that I found very useful.

We should chat about life sometime. You seem to have a good grasp on reality.

One Love,

esk said...

This type of informaiton definitely makes me smh...thanks for keeping us informed.

I will say this, at least we (Americans) are privy to this infomation (yes it is vague and misleading).

At least we are able to communicate in this forum (and yes, Big Brother is probably watching...he just might learn a thing or two).

At least I can walk through the streets without my head -- in some cases -- entire face being covered by a veil.

At least I can marry whom I choose, instead of being forced to marry my cousin before I turn 16.

At least I don't have to worry about genital mutilation.

We talk a lot of ish about America, but I'd rather be living here as opposed to living in some other countries.

Dr Thandi aka Lady Tee aka Myeoncé said...

Do I still live in America?!!!!
Since 9/11 law makers have been getting away with passing some pretty shady laws. I thought they were done with that...guess not.
I am moving to some island where it's warm and the men all look like taye diggs in "waiting to exhale"

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Bruh, I had the opportunity to talk to a brother who is an agent for Homeland Security and it was quite revealing. I'll just say, most conspiracy theories aren't really theories at all.

The New World Order has been in effect a long time. And the Patriot Act was just a grand scheme in the whole plot. I mean you can't drive two blocks without camera's watching you now - and please believe they aren't used to monitor traffic.

Literary Felonies said...

Torrence- I thought I had something quite profound to say on the subject, but Guerreiranigeriana says it soooo much better. So, as the French say, "meme chose." (Me, too)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

lit fel - u are profound any way, especially the way u pen them poems

Rich - i dig hat but conspiracy, this is the congress and senate, i dont put nothing pass the

lady tee - which island and can i come? i suggest secheles (sp)

sage - u better get that veil ready

d - thank u im down with reality, i think, i mean the really real

south - u know u got some WMDS in your trunk LOL

Anonymous said...

Quite an eye-opener about Jane Harman since I'd been pretty pleased with her in the past. Heck, think I even voted for her when I lived in LA before. Sadly I wasn't aware about this particular situation until you blogged about it, so I'll have to do some reading.

As for so many shenanigans being pulled by the government, all under the guise of "keeping us safe" (I feel just as "safe" or "unsafe" as I ever did), it's all just a bunch of BS they slide under our noses because no one really takes the time to notice. I'm sure if we all checked a bit closer we'd realize those pains we feel every now and again are actually the strings attached to our bodies, being pulled as a marionette and controlled by GWB and his buddies. Unfortunately I have also been let down by those swept into Congress in the election of 2006 under the guise of "changing things", still waiting for that to happen.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

socal - all i got to ask is, CAN I KEEP AND BRING MY GAT

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo not a gun gal, but as long as you don't point it in my direction we're cool. ;)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

socal - dont worry, i got your back im the anti mall gunman

Anonymous said...

Variety is the spice of life.

Anonymous said...

Beggars cannot be choosers.

Anonymous said...

If you should put even a little on a little, and should do this often, soon this too would become big.

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