I know it is bad now, but things are really about to hit the fan. These days it seem as if nothing is safe and even worse that the political machine in Washington is making it all worse. From anthrax on lettuce, to the economy and to disease, it aint looking to good for the United States of America, and the world for that matter. The way it appears, the country is no longer we the people but rather we the corporation. I just wonder who said that saving big banks on Wall street and saving the jobs of the folks who work with the big three auto industries are more important than all the other folks around the country who losing their jobs? It is as if the President is doing all he can to give the remaining 20 percent of the GOP ammunition to make him a big target. Just as it seems as if he is doing and more concerned with the same interest of the GOP also – big business. Not to mention right wing extremist done lost they fckn minds.
Now I’m no pagan, but I am well versed in text such as the Koran, the teachings of Buddha and the Bible. In Rev. 6:6, there is a passage that describes the direness of circumstances the world will face prior to the tribulations. It says A measure of wheat for a penny. It was part of the prophecy of the six seals. In biblical theory, the seals represent problems due to war and famine and the self-defeating character of sin in the form of the world's self-inflicted judgment upon itself – the terrible effects of man. I say this because it seems as if what Obama did Just last week, when he gave his economic speech at Georgetown University, and his staff asked and obtained permission to cover up a monogram symbolizing Jesus' name in Gaston Hall can represent the fifth seal (Souls Under the Altar).

Then there are all of these Earthquakes around the world and in place here like Georgia and Texas. China is calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund Coupled with depleted water supplies and even poisons and drugs in said water, just makes one think, and understand how some may consider that the new commander in chief is the anti-Christ, I don’t but I have actually been in conversation with some that do.
Yeas the signs of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the six seals (false peace, war, food control and Famines, disease and pestilence, hell on earth). Never before have I seen such hardship. Just yesterday the dude around the corner from me went out of business, as well as another salon down the street. On the same day. Today I see for lease signs in the window. Never before have I seen the homeless and beggars saying “I’ll take your pennies if you have them.” Yes, a measure of wheat for a penny – maybe soon to come