With that said, I want to add how I am some what disturbed by the blind allegiance people give to anyone. In the African American community alone, we have a big problem with this and have labeled such folks as groupies, whether one follows Super head, Lil Wayne and yes, even President Obama. So with out further hesitation, my top reasons you know if you are an Obama Groupie.
- You accept without question all that the President proposes.
- You argue vehemently with anyone that disagrees with an approach or policy the President proffers even when one has not read the policy for themselves, and worse

- His picture hangs on the wall next to Jesus Christ in the front room of your house.
- You still have a campaign sign or bumper sticker on your car reading Obama Biden.
- It is sacrilegious for any one to criticize a suggested approach offered by the President and that those who do in your eyes, will suffer eternal damnation in hell.
- If someone’s disagrees with a particular policy, you are likely to question their blackness (just because i dont agree with giving banks that are gonna fail billions dont mean i am not as black as thou LOL).
- You feel as if the policies he proposes are written by the president himself, even on Swine flu, health care and economics, when in fact experts other than the president write these positions.
- You get mad and fuss at idiots like Sean Hanity, Rush Limbaugh and others when we already know that these lames don’t deserve our objective attention for they just plane ole hatters and sore losers (they wouldn't be down with him if he got the GOP a zillion new members).
- You take the time to read the GQ, or Vanity Fair, or Essence magazines cover stories of the first family are in but wont read his budget plain of recovery act.
- Last but not least you will not find this post funny,. wont laugh and get mad.
Now this is just a little fun to me, but on the real, as I say we must be critical of the office holder not the man, especially if we want him to succeed – it aint stop with your vote and remember that. Good Day