Didnt want to write about Sarah Smile no more. But couldnt let this pass. Thanks to my folk From the left for this

Any similarities? Or
------------“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman --------------- "everything in this world exudes crime" Baudelaire ------------------------------------------- king of the gramatically incorrect, last of the two finger typist------------------------the truth, uncut funk, da bomb..HOME OF THE SIX MINUTE BLOG POST STR8 FROM BRAINCELL TO CYBERVILLE
The first two photos show pretty confident people. The last one shows some maladjusted receivers of bullying. It's not the gun, it's what you do with the gun.
troubling...very troubling...
Once again I'm probably in the minority here but having had a sister who was raised in Alaska...I don't see the problem with hunting, fishing or guns, which is not to say that I don't have problems with the Palin family.
i agree - satire, i thought it was funny
can see that too
aunt jackie
its satire - dont live in alaska and am a proud gun owner
I figured. I did have to look up the names on your title, so I learned my something new today.
I like it better when you're smiling. Brooding pensive photo - booo....
Interesting satire...
LOL! Leave it to Torrance to dig this stuff up!
;) LOL
I grew up with a lot of kids whose parents took the hunting and to the shooting range...
I agree with noregrets...its what they do with the gun. I don't find that any more troubling than the documentary I watched on the New Orleans projects...young men holding automatic weapons, saying they were at war...with each other, made me angry and sad all at the same time.
LMAO!!! wow!!!
ummmm you dont lubb me no nore!!!!!!
from one gun owner to another....
lol they should put that on the cover of the New Yorker
Two more pictures that we'll never see on the news (but probably should).
What point do you think you are making with the photos of Bonnie & Clyde, two criminals killed by the police in 1934. They killed about 12 people.
Meanwhile, Klebold and Harris also killed about 12 people in 1999.
Have the couple in the third photo killed anyone?
Obviously all the people in the photos are white. Is there a lesson in this?
Murder in NY City is still low, but the numbers are rising this year. Shootings are up too.
In the first half of the year here in NY City, about 600 people were shot. The death toll averaged close to 2 per day in the first half of this year.
But the key fact is this:
98% of the shooters and victims were black or hispanic. 83% black and 15% hispanic.
Whites and asians accounted for 2% of shootings and victims.
Thus, it's impossible to see the point of recalling one crime committed by two white guys 9 years ago and a crime spree committed by a white couple about 75 years ago.
If the public makes a connection between criminal gun violence and our candidates running for high office, the candidate who will suffer is Obama.
I've seen that pic of ole Levi, yep good ole American values. While I am not a gun owner, I have no problems with gun owners but the idea of kids running around taking photos posing with guns is a tad scary to me.
Raw Dawg,
Only the faces change, the grease that holds this society together is getting old.
I picked up the book you were talking about "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral" by Phillis Wheatley. Old English, its going to take me awhile.
McCandy has done a poor job of passing on the values she espouses.
why is anybody surprised at the behavior of crazy white people
they have always done crazy insane things and it aint gonna stop now
not ever lol
I grew up in Compton and we all had guns and today Compton has some of the best hunting in the Union.
Great post and also good for musing. If possible & have time... join my thought about religion debate and differences at
LOL Well alright!
I'm a proud gun owner and a damned-good hobbyist marksman if I do say so myself (if I ever tried an Olympic sport at my age, it would be the Marksmanship Team).
I saw that photo (Levi and Bristol) the other day and thought that it looked like a couple of teenagers goofing off. But I still raised one eyebrow because on the other hand, the self-professed red-neck thing coming from a kid bothered me a little bit. I chose not to jump to any conclusions and tie the two together, but I can totally see your point. --Lot of other complicated stuff under the surface of a teenage veneer, I'm sure.
VERY interesting
LOL im sorry conel
The Socialite
I can feel u with finger on chin. congrats on award
i hope i repped u well
a woman after my own heart
i saw that - my query was at war with who - FEMA?
The Flyyest
got much love for u folk, i mean hon - i said i would feed u if u were up in this camp - now thats love, even share my hot sauce
more laughter yeaaaaaaaaaaa
lol u and me both
a woman that laughs has this heart
yep, never in the news
nope funny LOL but i see
the point is to laugh no more no less i use words to make points and make folk laugh too Satire - A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
i can respect that
I know and u right its a hard read, but the passion and message are historic in form
well said mom
James Tubman
true like i said it was humorous to me
im afrad to ask what yawl hunt up in that camp
thank u folk and do come back
glad to see some can still laugh brother
i feel ya, i am too, and it was in just - im diabolical in thought, thats all
indeed and sadly funny to me
my goodness...is this the daughter and future son-in-law?
torrance, you wrote:
"the point is to laugh no more no less i use words to make points and make folk laugh too..."
First, your post was three photos. Not words. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. In the case of two of your pictures, they have inspired hundreds of thousands, if not millions of words, and movies.
Second, the three photos created images that connected four murderers with two teenagers. If anything, your choice of photos suggested the two teenagers would eventually act like Bonnie & Clyde and Klebold & Harris.
The four murderers were deranged and dangerous as a result. Guns enabled them to put their derangement into action.
Thus your photos suggest that you are predicting the two teenagers will begin a murderous rampage and die at the end of it.
You wrote:
"Satire - A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit."
You've got the correct definition of satire. But I find no humor or satirical aspects to a series of photos that predict a vicious murder/suicide spree by two teenagers who appear to have close connections to the Republican vice presidential nominee.
Your photos also raise the issue of the New Yorker Magazine cover depicting the Obama's as a revolutionary and a muslim. Even though the New Yorker SUPPORTS Obama, lots of Obama supporters expressed plenty of outrage over the cover.
Dr. Strangelove is movie satire. Jonathan Swift wrote literary satire. Catch-22 is satire. There's a lot of it.
Howard Fineman writing in Newsweek on the Republican vice-presidential candidate:
Democrats dare not issue [Sarah] Palin a pass—she's too dangerous a foe. Normally vice presidential candidates fade into the background.
Nobody is expecting that with Palin; indeed, her newfound celebrity has made even Obama look dull.
The usual rule is that voters don't trust attacks from people they don't know, but Palin is turning the adage on its head.
Democrats are determined to attack her credibility, even if it gives her more visibility. "We've got to go after her, and fast," a top Democratic strategist, who asked for anonymity when discussing strategy, told me.
I missed this one on Monday!
Bad Phd.! (But it is funny)
Before I get too busy in October I have to upload a youtube of my girlfriend doing an imitation of Sarah Palin. She speaks no English but watched the conventions with me and I kind of explained what was going on. Of course, I gave her the entire low down on Palin.
Jones, I swear she did a PITCH-PERFECT IMPERSONATION of Palin but just using random Spanish words that had no meaning at all.
I can't describe to you how much she enjoyed listening to Palin. It confirmed EVERY joke, every predjudice, every foul thing she'd ever heard about Americans from the day she was born. She had some kind of sense from Colombian comedy shows that there were Americans who spoke like that, but she didn't really believe it.
For her, America is Bush ("el anticristo"), Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Will Smith, the CSI series, LA, SF, NYC, Vegas and "Texas." I've told her all about the racial politics and about the Negro leagues and the death penalty and stuff like that and about half the time she thinks I'm kidding.
I was hoping that since it was always going to be a close race, at least McCain would pick Romney so at least there would be ONE intelligent person at the tiller should the Republicans win, but I'm just having too much fun with this.
I'm not a Christian so when I translated some of the words the Republicans were saying about Jesus, she got kind of angry and said that they were blaspheming.
This has been very hard for me with all of my Catholic friends because their idea of Jesus is so different from the Extremist Evangelical idea.
She's read me bible passages and they're always about peace and love and caring for the sick and the golden rule and that sort of thing. It all seems like a pretty nice philosophy to me, although it's not my bag.
She takes mass every Sunday and usually studies the bible for an hour or so each day. But she's in favor of legal abortion, contraception, gay marriage, 24/7 nightclubs, getting lifted, all kinds of sexcapades and she only confesses when she feels like she's REALLY sinned.
And it's not like she's some kind of "modern" Catholic or even a Jesuit. She a pretty run-of-the-mill observant Catholic.
I guess it's a New Testament versus Old Testament thing but isn't Jesus supposed to be just Jesus?
Anybody feel free to weigh in on this because I'm stumped!
...you know you are dead wrong for that! LOL
It really just reminds me of Deliverance. I know it wasn't set in Alaska, but it could have been looking at that picture.
I did not know Dylan Klebold or his family at all.
I do, however, know the Harris family.
They have suffered immensely as a result of what Eric did...including his suicide. His parents still blame themselves ten years later. They moved from the Littleton area.
He had severe psychological and emotional problems. It is said that Dylan had the same issues.
I remember Eric as a little boy. He was a nice kid back then, but it was obvious that he was unhappy.
There is a history of mental illness in his mother's family. In addition to that, he was constantly being bullied and beaten up at school.
I was shocked to learn that he had brutally murdered people, but I was not surprised at his suicide.
He was in a lot of pain. He was on withdrawal from anti-depressants. There was no justification for the evil he committed.
However, as someone who knew him personally and knew his family, I will say this...there were definitely signs of trouble that we all missed.
We all blamed ourselves.
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