I know that some are laughing at Jones for describing myself as meek, but in all truth-e-ness, I am. Yep, meek, and forgive me for as I write this I am listening to Bill Summers and the Summer’s Heat You can call it what you want to and beveraging outside of my shop selling stuff for dogs.
I say this for in my short and shallow life time, I have seen a lot and I have experienced a lot. From trying to find a cobra in my home and locating it when I lived in
Yep, I have seen and experienced a lot. And none have any impact on how I view the world or the way I treat others, for I still love Yet still, I am kind and likely the kindest mutha fucka am folk gone ever meet.
I can’t be faded, no I am not from the streets, I am the streets as well as the world. I take life for what it is; an enjoyable experience that my cells applaud for as a mass we know the only certainty in our future is death. Add to that, as of now, I hope such a disposition is engendered by my seeds, for they are the only valuables I have outside of what I can create and dispense with my mind. So if some find me intimidating, that’s on them for I feel no matter where I am although it may not be true, that I should run things and that somebody has to be number one, so it may as well be me. You can call it what you want to. vote
Torrance great post and what a lovely family.
Your last statement hit home: "somebody has to be number one, so it may as well be me." A MEN!
Great post and beautiful family. I think the "meek" is an incredible vurtue to describe yourself with.
Your kiddos are too cute! Hand over that baby girl! I want to pinch cheeks!
Beautiful family...
I think you're pretty nice. Maybe because I'm biased.
you're just so kool ... great post/cute fam.
well i for one find you an eclectic blend of braniac and homey... you are incredibly real and yet at the same time a huge intellectual presence.. i am fascinated by not only your thought patterns,, but also the way you present yourself... intimidating no,, more surreal..
i think if i ever met you i would sit quietly and just listen to you talk,, not only cuz it takes me a while to figure out your memphasian tongue,, but also because you are forever shedding new light,, and i would need a few moments to digest it all.....
How the hell can you be #1?
That's me, dammit.
Seriously, perhaps the intimidation comes from your ability to use language as a weapon and to heal? That freaks many ppl out.
Personally, I love ya!
See babe this is why you were nominated 'man of the year'! I'm telling ya! I read your post and it calls to mind one of my favorite poems..."yet do I marvel at this curious thing, to make a poet black and bid him sing!" Feel me?
When I first started reading your blog, I found your style to be exactly what the name implies...RAW. I'm not sure if the comments are from a blog reader or not but, I think people tend to forget that what others write is only a tiny glimpse into their lives. Just because you become familiar with a body or style of writing does not mean you are familiar with the person that wrote it.
Damn...you've done some living haven't you?! Glad to see that the craziness hasn't made you bitter but, given 100 words to describe how I "think" you are...meek wouldn't be on top of the list...strong however would be. Isn't it a shame that black folk constantly have to feel they need to curtail strength in order to keep from appearing intimidating. First Michelle Obama...now you, "Oh LAWD, make it stop!! LOL
Nice photo...lovin' the kids...and is that a smile you're wearing?? I mean, you weren't wearing much else so I HAD to focus there. LOL
Gotta watch out for those Nigerian cops.
yay! a smiling photo. :-)
Your nickname is now Hanes... I like that. The support kind of course.
My unforgettable experience in Nigeria was being in the front passenger side of a vehicle driving some university exchange students somewhere, with no seatbelt of course, and TONS of traffic, and an emergency vehicle started racing through, and of course the need was to pull in behind the emergency vehicle. What a ride!!! racing through vehicles one foot behind an emergency vehicle - that's when you give up fear and know that whatever will happen, will happen, and there's not a thing you can do about it except decide to enjoy the ride or crap in your pants.
You know first hand, that no one is immune to drama. And even when we learn to stand up against it and thrive in the midst of it, Satan renames our victorious resolve for characteristics we don't desire like "intimidating." This only means that you have foiled him again!
Wait, this must mean that you ARE intimidating, to Satan that is.
Love the picture Torrance...what an awesome family!
You know what, you can't be faded. Intimidating? No. Intriguing? Mysterious? Charming? Yes.
Absofuckinglutely yes.
Oh yeah, as far as those BOGUS-as-FUCK charges...keep your head up pimpin'. You already know that adversity exists in this life to kick you in the balls when you are at your best. Good will, morals, and SANITY shall prevail in this one...and that's REAL.
I truly dig your style mane... love seeing the family picture. You are alright with me.
wow..what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. Nice post. Beautiful Babies.
PS, I like how you differentiate between rumination, thinking, and thought.
Thanks for stopping by the site & leaving a comment. Very nice blog you have here, I will be checking it out in the future.
No nonsense...I feel ya!!
Cute Kids...
You know what? I didn't realize you were a writer... Damn I guess I learned something new.
not intimidating at all. just real. yep. and very kind.
Ain't a dayum thing wrong with being YOU!
hey, do you have a site for your pet store??
Intimidating is a relative term based on the cards you are holding.
Nice post... baby girl is too cute... wanting to be like the men in her life...
Keeping it real! That is what I'm talking 'bout!
I would say you are many things...but intimidating isn't one. You seem like a deep brotha, who has alot to say and that has wonderful insight into life! Maybe you're intimidating in person??? LOL...jk
God designs us exactly like we are meant to be in this life. Some of us understand and accept this and live accordingly.
If I had to have a non-relative male back me up~your name would definitely be on that list.
Because I would have no doubt that you'd use that wonderful gift of intelligence first. And that is a powerful weapon in a dumbed down society.
I didn't know the story regarding lil mama. Wow! I am sure that was one helluva an experience. But in due time and due season, all things work for the common good. I believe that one day the positive will reign supreme and the truth will do as it always does~it will rise to the surface.
far from intimidating. you're good peeps, fam. that's for sho!
"Somebody has to be number one, so it may as well be me."
You got that right! We all should think this highly of ourselves. Not in an arrogant kind of way, but just knowing exactly who God created us to be. Kudos to you for knowing!
The pic of you and the family...ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!
Be blessed!
"...shallow life time..." Um, Torrance, what the heck is YOUR definition of shallow, because I'd hardly say your life has been anything remotely resembling shallow. Thanks for sharing. :)
Had no idea you've been through so much. Not sure how people find you intimidating. You got your own style.
The kidz are cute.
I love this post! Stay strong, despite the struggles and cute family pic :)
Thank u maam
Thanks to u as well on both counts
cant give u lil momma – she don’t get down like that
U biased too?
thanks pseudo home slice
brainiac – not really just read too much and surreal – me likes, and intro to mephisian 102 out this weekend lol
love u too folk, we aint in the same place so its like two undefeated teams that don’t play each other lol
nicki nicki tembo
yes I do and love Countée Cullen and leave a url next time folk
Thank u sister, and what u mean now me?
and I was wearing a towel.
LOL u aint never lied It made me think cop was short for corrupt over there
The mean mug (incessant mean mug) is why some have said such. B ut I smile all the time
I guess I will have to settle satan “pato bantan”
Thanks sister, im gone handle mine and she will wish she had never threatened my kids, the stories I could tell – but bipolar and selfishness donet mix and envy
I truly dig your style mane... love seeing the family picture. You are alright with me.
Thank u sister glad u liked it
It’s the scientist in me
Thanks folk, I go out my way to find black men and scholars (colorless) that blog, welcome to the ro,ll
Blog Queen
Blog queen rules. How are u scholar
Silly Brown Eyed Girl
Thank u and we all do or should each day
fly tie
That was sweet – did I say that? lol
Thanks sister. When u stopping back at the shop
Big O
Will do folk not online yet
I feel u, only to the weak ey brother?
koffeedyme .
I hope we can be a blessing to her – I really do
OG, The Original Glamazon
Than ks scholar although u aint try my drank in the DR. LOL but I know u got faith
Daysha Writes
Im meek sister, cant u see the smile LOL
Thanks scholar and I would have you back as if u were my blood. I rise every day and smile
Thanks bruh, greatly appreciated from a good father like yourself, but u know whats going like we talked before
The Artist In Me
Its what I belive and thanks hon, on both counts and I am blessed
SoCal Muchacha
Anytime sisters, how u think your chargers gone do this year
Thanks, and yea folk. Thjat is not the tip of the iceburg
Thanks hon, I will just hate folk using OUR daughter as a pawn. Some woman.
you aren't intimadating...you are just a real type of person...who in short doesn't take bs, but doesn't expect anything from anyone in return you are just who you are, period...which happens to be a real intelligent dude
Thanks for baring your soul and sharing a little bit of yourself with the electronic world. You are at the very least a responsible and respectable indvidual with mucho love to give and receive.
Much love to you and your family, doc.
Hey Brother!
God is good...your still standing black man..through it all!
What a great photo :) Hey, you always keep it real, 'no nonsense'. It took me a while to get you but I finally get you. I wish you a lovely weekend. I love neck bones too! he he!
Ah Torrance, that you can still have faith in humanity after all you have experienced..hugs to you brotha..big cyber hugs. ;)
I really love that pic of you and the kids..thank you for your words of wisdom.
to answer your question about my maxwell post, of course ;)
you've been through a lot and seen even more...but your are resilent..and that's exactly what your kids need.
people will always try to still your joy, but they fail to realize that it only makes you a stronger person.
(damit, for some reason i can never get my openid to work!)
Hm. You're not intimidating,IMO. You're kind of odd though. You know like, pulling your shirt up and rubbing your belly in public-odd. lol
I think it's just being country though. hahahaha. :P
And you take good pictures with your kids. You should smile more often ;)
Good read my brotha and you still have the ability to enjoy life after going through all of that..How long did it take you to get through the bitterness of it all.
Tell em how you really feel (about yourself!)! We all need to stand up and do some "Station identification" sometimes,i.e., let people know who we are and what we believe about ourselves. Great post:)
Jones: We've discussed this subject privately a few times before. We share the same DNA. This is a fun post for me to read especially because I've tried versions of it myself now and then.
I've tried leading with my chin, describing all of my flaws, errors of commission and omission, ways in which I've failed myself and failed others. I've tried explaining how humbled I am in the presence of my son and my parents.
In the end my ambition and the degree to which I've banished fear and dread through experience always comes back and I'm right where I started: a passive-aggressive workaholic and dreamer, with a need for constant new challenges and lots of attention. And brother I got a big streak of what I hope is HEALTHY narcissism.
You didn't give away any secrets to the game, luckily, so I won't either. LOL
You have such a beautiful family...I didn't realise you had been through so much.
Not many people are truly honest and sometimes others have difficulty handling it...its a shame, just keep doing you.
So yea, I'm with you man...or should I say mane...be you and do you!
WOW!!! that was a great post.
the pics of you are you kids are beatuiful
this is my first time here...beginner to the blogworld...but i'll be back to your blog
love when you post pics of the family.
dang bruh, you have been through some stuff in your life. reading this post kinda reminded me of that part on 'antwone fisher' where ol' boy was like ".....all the stuff you did to me, you couldn't break me...i'm still standin', i'm still strong!
Deep. Just gotta be you. You've been through a lot and aren't carrying it but growing from it. Maybe that wisdom in your eyes is what's intimidating- can't and don't change that!
nice lookin family folk. we need more men like u & my hubby out there for these kids.
Perhaps they are intimidated by your versatility. Few are as well versed on both sides of the game. Real folks are really scarce.
Your children are beautiful. :)
Your lil girl could be baby doll she's so cute! And your big man looks like a fine son for any daddy to be proud. Nice fam, Torrance.
You're the man. Beautiful family.
I can understand "overwhelming" and "intimidating", especially within the first minutes of our meeting, you read aloud Basic Thrust Equation within earshot of my son, mother, and our aunt KB in the other room full of estrogen.
wow!! I didn't know you went through all that! You have a big heart for forgiving the wrong doers and moving on....
Personally, i don't think you're intimidating...:)
thank u sister, u made my day
Literate Muse
as a writer i must write what i feel and leave wo fear - thanks for the blessings
Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs i can only try
thanks mom
thanks that hug was what i needed
(fÅng'kÄ“) [blak] [chik] i hope i do them justice, thats all
i thank u for my family lol
was never bitter folk, if king and jesus could be spat on and not respond, i could too. thanks for the love folk
station identification - this is AL MI T
yea bruh, cant give up the game plan or genetic code
Ms TooFly
i will and its all i know how to do and be
Darius T. Williams
been in memphis too long i see
thank u and do return sister
they are adorable huh?
my mom would say they broke the mold when they made men like u and me folk
nice verse sister
wisdom, me?
Big Cheekz
he sounds like a fine man, he did get u
thats a good way to look at it sister and thank u
Kit (Keep It Trill)
thanks folk, family is the shit - just need a wife now
oh thank u hon
sista gp
family will always be biased lol
im a nice person and thanks 4 the love
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