Point of order: 1] Listening to Vikter Duplaix Nothing like Your Touch
Was thinking to myself last night, something I do rather frequently, and no, not about the economy or politics this time, but the penchant and desire I have for companionship. Yep the All-Mi-T desires companionship even in my coarse and often abrasive mannerisms. For I know there is nothing wrong for a man expressing love, desire or loving. So I was picturing what it was I think I wanted and imagined if I could put such in words, so here goes.
What I want are her lips, her hair, my fingers riding through her scalp at a relaxing pace. I want to savor the wildness of our relationship and make the best of what ever we have or will have – whatever that is or will be. Even if that means being able to do the Bachata if required such that I can be able to love you for you from your desire to write stories or books for children to the enjoyment you gather when I watch you paint your toes.
I want to take in your every caress and every ounce of wind you breathe. I want you to know and accept that I give love, that it will be and is unconditional and love all the way or not at all and that if I don’t receive what I expect, I will let it depart without question. I just want u to be funny, scholarly, astute, statuesque and assured, but not scared or frigid.
I have no consternation about saying, lil momma, I want you, and not just me channeled in your back. Albeit I must admit I like the way it feels when I cant go any farther inside of you and I feel like I cant get enough. What a sensation, your skin against mine with sweat. The juices that flow down the inside of my thigh – makes me talk to my self and say I cannot get enough. Nope, I cant. For I want to want your mind and your simper equally as you crave mine. I know I said five times but eight did not seem it was enough for you from what I felt I needed in a day. And you don’t mind, you just grind pelvic gyrations to my pubic bone – as I need you close, for of your spirit I cannot get enough. All I need to know is will you be there in the morning – for there should be nothing in the universe like her touch
1- love love love vikter duplaix
2- who doesn't want some form of companionship?
3- that last paragraph was a lot...whew.
That was beautiful. Don't hate if you see the essence of it on a greeting card. ;-)
I guess you are not all that harsh! I do hope you find what you are looking for or perhaps she will find you. Have a great weekend :)
Why must you start with us so early in the morning?? Goodness...
I agree with Lina that last paragrapgh was hectic. How am I supposed to get any work done now?
You're nothing but trouble, I swear. ;)
So what are you doing to find this special someone or do you already know who it is? Hmmm??
Have a good weekend
how nice :)
Man!That is the best and so refreshing to read.
There is nothing like a man telling you I WANT YOU!
U My Sista, Girl!
y thabnk u too homeslice
LOL u flatter me still aint stopped by the shop folk
y thank u sister
thanks mom, gotta know first so im good
Kitty Cleopatra
my fault y u made at me jones?
no one but u know i how feel about creating ones reality its just what i want
Vanessa M.
no nice of u to come by and do return if u can maam
OG, The Original Glamazon
thank u hon have a great weekend
you have a gift for expression, very beautiful...
if you're ever around my way...bite the apple...
Eve's Bitten Apple--Erotica
No, I'm not mad at you. Oh, And I saw that comment you left on my post...I ain't never scared.
LOL @ Cheron! Bite the apple...
I found you!!! ugh why must it be cyber lust.. That was beautiful....
You are so Passionate....I can tell you love hard....You are going to make some lucky Lady very happy...
That was beautiful..
Sounds a bit suffocating.
Most of us don't admit it. Not sure why that is. Perhaps we don't want to sound vulnerable or weak.
Glad you said it.
You have a great energy. I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for.
Cheron L. Hall
thaqnk u but you dont want me bitting u, ill take a chunk lol
Kitty Cleopatra
BOO lol
cyberlust, whats that sister
thanks couldnt write if i were not
i guess u insecure, i love my kids the same way wo the sexual aspects and they dont mind and dont be such a coward u can leave an email add or a url
fear is hard for some, especially the insecure
I'm fairly sure that if I lived in your neighborhood, that I would leave my seat this very moment and walk into braincell with almost delusional expectations.
Long sigh.
never delusional expectations....i treat all like im cleaning my plate....only what is really real, should i provide references maam? and how about a long moan and a few grunts jones
Mmm mmm mmm! The power of your words has my cheeks flushed!
I love when the one I love runs his fingers through my hair. And that what you described right there is Intimacy. The power between two folks with the right intentions is unfathomable.
And since you put it out there for the earth to receive, she shall be sent back to you.
Damn! That post feels personal. Must be something in the air, Torrance. I've been swooning off Usher's song, Here I Stand since yesterday, wishing I had the right man to dance off it at the perfect house party or our own crib.
mannnnnnnnn i had never heard of vikter duplaix until now...and i am LOVING what i'm hearing so far.
just for kicks though - who else you listening to?
i'm going buy me some cd's today after work.....
"I just want u to be funny, scholarly, astute, statuesque and assured..." A brother with standards, how refreshing!
"but not scared or frigid." Getting to this point often requires a brother with standards.
Torrance, you da man, and I'm glad you putting yo'self out there. I am too. Like, do you think me n' you can hook up? I'll be there in a.m.
Lol, just effing wit ya, Torrance. This is Kit!
I typed a thousand different things and then just ended up erasing them. I'll just say Wow! and leave it at that. lol
What you know about Vikter Duplaix? That's that shit right there. Good one, fam.
First, let me say in response to your "BOOOO!" on my blog, LOL! You're too funny. :-D Nah, you don't scare me but kinda hard not to sit up and take notice. ;-)
I just recently discovered Vikter Duplaix. Very nice! :-) As for the post... It's always nice to hear/read a man speak like this. Warms my heart. :-)
Are you one of those guys that exudes body heat so no blanket is required?
This seems to be an epidmic going around. You'd think that will all these peopel that feel the same way, that they could get together and fulfill those needs ...
oh and I am tagging you (even though i dont think you do those)
i was reading fast and furious. loved it. felt it. i think i'll read it again....
Thanks for reading! Have fun trick-or-treatin with the little one!
Jones, what you know about Vikter Duplaix. He'll definitely set the table for you. All you have to do is dive in.
What a beautiful post, so sweet and tender.
Have a great weekend!
When by pure happenstance two souls come together and share ideals of life, love and interrelationships it is a beautiful thing Torrance. Distance be damned! We're I2I on this one babe. Surely heaven must be like this!
Oye, Mujeriego (Ladies' man):
I'm going to call you repeatedly before next Thursday's show to make sure you're alert at 11et.
It's RAWDAWGBUFFALO RADIO, f'chrissakes! The audience wants the "teacher," buddy. At LEAST, they got a little lucky that I don't do the SMIRNOFF ICE/BONE-THUGS-N-HARMONY wigger thing (que mas, Rippa?) and am quite comfortable with my Lower Manhattan/Sopranos twang! I even prettied it up by remembering not to use the present tense for everything and remembered most of my proper English. I snuck a subjunctive or two in there to seem a little educated for you.
Like I said to you buddy, if you want to read philosophy to get in the mood, read something lively like MILL or VEBLEN or RUSSELL. HUME is deadly boring.
Enjoy trick-or-treating with the kids. It was one of the highlights of the year for me when I lived in the states and I miss it and my boy especially down here.
A great read while I sip on a shot of Cognac! I love good relationship writing.
Sometimes a comment does not convey what the feeling is.
Your post is a prayer. I came back over and over through-out the course of the day to read and re-read and discern this. I wanted to add it to my thinking. I wanted to own this. I wanted it to be my language of desire and hope.
When you are HERE in this place, conveying these sentiments it is connecting and engaaging and divine.
Wishing for you all your heart's desires.
just being honest maam and thank u
Kit (Keep It Trill)
im with it am i invited
where have u been thats straight love music and stop by more often
thank u but yawl queens folk
im here lol
Naturally Me!
what did u type? im nosey
Skoolboi Krush
lol i know u know a love like that i see it when u and your special one look in each others eyes - hope to see u at the shop
lol enjoy his music hon i know u will
yep thats me
like minds and hearts must meet and have no fear and u tagged me oh no lol
Jackie E.
thanks such is the nature of the heart
will dod and dont be a stranger sister
R. Fitzgerald
LOL u know how we get down - love making music at its best huh?
thanks madam kool-aid budget
nicki nicki tembo
thank u sister
lol sorry i was sleeping i heard u held it down like a champ
dont we all and thanks hon
y thank u, see im not that foul - lol
Good music is coming back....nice and smooth. That peice reminded me of Love Jones...then i felt lonely lol
love this post :)
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Loves it :)
Stop sharing our intimate moments with the world!!!
Nah, seriously, this was a very nice post.
lucky woman
will u b there in the am? he asked
and i couldnt help but wonder
would he be there in the
days to follow
when all of the tomorrows
dont smell like sweet sunday breeze
and i need his strength to
be stronger than physical need
when i need a shoulder for more than biting back screams
... sorry got off on a side bar there..
this was peace... but thats why dudes with a talent for supreme communication such as urself are dangerous!
If this was aimed at someone in particular it's going to work.
sheer poetry torrance! I love it!
ooo, great post. lucky woman.
Awww, the softer side of our Durty Souf Genius Gangsta;-)
That was very well put.
Wow, great post T! I'm sure we'd all love some companionship like this and I hope you find her soon :)
I hope whom ever you wanted to read this got the message and has wrapped her legs around your neck already...lol...Btw that Damn Vikter let's make a baby single is why my son will be here in January..lol
oh no lol
LeNoir Tyrannical
im sorry dream like i do and it will b alright
thanks hon, i am so far
y thank u
thanks u are silly lol
hope ms make belive believes so
great piece maam and why am i dangerous
fingers crossed for my make belive woman if she exist
Blog Queen
thanks queen
Daysha Writes
thanks my fellow poet
she is make belive now and only in my mind
THE 78' MS. J
glad u enjoyed the read
Tee aka The Diva's Thoughts
thanks hon
Dorkys Ramos
me too and thanks hon back to politics 2morrow
LOL thats the first song on the album u got great taste folk and no legs wrapped around me yet - its my make belive woman
It sounds like you are an open and willing person when it comes to love... and that's how it should be.
But yeah.... Vikter can definitely get anyone in that mood and inspire like that - goodness, What do you know about some Vikter, Wooo!!! lol
...and umm, yeah, thanks for the comments. I know I'm pretty quiet over here but I've been enjoying your blog for some time... :)
I'll say it again - God is GOOD. On that note, I'm sure she's just around the corner. Next thing you know you'll be writing about how AMAZING it really is. I look forward to reading that one.
In the mean time - yeah - manifest her out of your writing.
Tryna turn me on to something new huh? I pride myself on being up on almost everykind of music...pero...no sabe about this one!
There's nothing like having brotha say "I want you"...except his actually meaning it.
Lucky girl!
Me digs it. its good to kno what u want...hope it comes to fruition:)
i'll be there....
great post....i know the lucky lady wants you just as bad!!!
t h e o r y
Veronica Wright
chk him out u will love him
she is make belive now
mrs. mary mack
hope thats good
Blogger Soulstress
me tooo
i hope so
sorry, cuz, i'm late on this post.
this was really nice and heartfelt. i truly believe you will have what you seek.
some of my dreams have come true, so I'm still looking out for you.
the dream never did specify what year, (smile)
wow! i can't even come up with a better comment, but i wish there more brothers out there with your passion.
i love it man! :)
Thanks for dropping by Flirtatious Ink. I hope that you are in excellent health and spirit. After reading " Will u be ther in the am?", I can tell you have mastered the art of enticing the ladies. The comments left confirm this is true. I absolutely concur its very attractive for a man to know what he wants, expresses that he wants you.... more importantly does the work to make it a reality.
Peace & Blessings
Sorry im late Torrance, I dont have much to add except WOW! what an amazing post, thank you for teasing my thoughts and imagination.
That's hot
wat up omg everyone obama won that is were it is at change 2008
"Yep the All-Mi-T desires companionship even in my coarse and often abrasive mannerisms"
Awww!! so you DO have a soft side Rawdawg LOL!!! Kidding! Love the post babes - I like you, but just a little LOL!!!
Holla at your gurl!!
Me likey, All Mi T. Have a great weekend, love!
WOW!!! Umm I can’t really say what I think about this post in public because I felt some very private feeling erupting in my body as I read this. Your skills are amazing. I love it! Thanks for sharing! I’m about to go to Amazon.com and see about downloading the songs you spoke of. I love Vikter Duplaix.
Sista GP
i guess wow is good lol
home decor
thanks very much
Flirtatious Ink
thank u sister
how did i tease u sister
thanks how are the high heel shoes sister
kaydedra small
I see u stilll riding high
lol thank u
thanks sister
eruptting - lol
Im over here fanning myself...OOooohweeeee that was something...Vikter D is real cool. Like his mellow vibe-definitely how I flow
That was beautiful, Torrance :) I love the energy and like someone said above, I know you will find it because you strike me as someone who won't let fear get in the way of actively seeking what you want. That is half the battle for most people. Stay positive!
and she will be a fortunate individual.
thank u lol
T. Michelle Theus
thanks sister, nope fear never impeds me
fly tie
im hoping she will appreciate such thanks maam
intimate now aren't we? hehe, thanks for commenting! its appreciated, and the trip was needed. :)
*clears throat* thank you for this.
Very impressive.
i will be there for you all the time
thank admin D:
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