One that I have thought of recently in jest was Nella Larsen’s Quicksand and Passing (Looks like Cap-city huh). Nella Larsen (1891-1964) was a writer of the famed Harlem renaissance (yawl would love this book). She used vivid imagery and classic symbolism and penned stories of the 1920s on the issues of racial identity, classism, and sexuality and of particular importance, `passing,' – you know black folk light enough to pass for being white. I am reminded of this because I have wanted to get this off my chest for some while and because Former US congressman Bob Barr was selected by the Libertarian Party as its candidate for November's presidential election.
Historically, I have always had love for folk; he was never really GOP-esque if you looked at his voting record outside of the 2nd amendments. Not to mention his vehement protection of this amendment may be one of the factors that engendered me to me out side of being able to tell he was a well read mutha shut yo mouth.

Many in the GOP are upset because think it will do major damage to the candidacy of the Republican presupposed nominee John McCain. With them, I agree. Now back to the point. I have always looked and Jones on CSPAN and always felt he was a brother. From the way he spoke to the way his body motions evinced themselves. Now I am sure of it.
I think deep in his heart he is trying to help his race by taking votes away from McCain such to put his Brother, Barack Obama in the Whitehouse. Like I said before, I may either have too many brain cells or not enough. What says you on my recent dialectical rumination?
Sidebar: chk my folk out at Pimpin Pens, they did a tribute to me LOL
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