Saturday, August 30, 2008

sarah got a gun

I want to say the same week I wrote that Barack Obama should select Collin Powell for VP (back in April); I wrote that McCain should Pick Sarah Palin. But I did not publish it. When I suggested to folk that Obama may loose in November, they hated and said that I was not optimistic, and that such was fatuous. All I was saying was be practical, and except probability and chance AS what it is. I added that I don’t expect to get a flat, but I do have a spare.

I just figured that black folks were just so excited that we got happy go lucky and just knew his victory would be a certainty in November. Not to mention that we were not being very pragmatic. Then after I heard Jones speech, I was even more troubled when I knew that it did little in attempting to persuade the 20% I have been referencing in the last three posts to vote for him. So I lied, but I want to reinforce what I said about this 20 percent in the last three posts. These folk let me tell ya. They focus on one point as being more important than all other issues, maybe abortion or gay rights. They feel that Hillary makes or made a better speech. They feel that Barack is a speech only person. They feel that because a man gets his plane shot down that it makes him more knowledgeable on war or issues of war. They feel that his words are merely poetic rhetoric and that he just a great speaker. They hear him and think he is just going to spend more money and that he is anti-rich. They will say they will write in Mitt Romney or Bob Barr (which benefits Barack). Or that they hear promises, and don't hear sound fiscal ideas behind the words. This makes the Palin choice both entertaining and interesting.

Albeit the choice of one man, it is reckless. He say we need to get to know slim but jones done met her just once himself - LOL. But I aint mad and even like a woman that hunt and fish (Babz take note). Historically as we know, married women tend to vote conservative and she will give McCain what he has been missing – enthusiasm. She teaches creationism in Alaska school and endorsed Pat Buchanan in 2000. So it was a choice made on getting elected, not experience, albeit some will say she has a good record, all that 2 years can proffer. LMBAO. She will give him a bump with 2nd amendment advocates because gun owners dont have no love for McCain and she may even provide some vigor to what was his lethargic base. The her son is about to head off to the battle front shortly and thats a good look for any canidate these days.

She will be expected to assume the presidency if McCain wins; a man that has had cancer four times. And again, these two folk barely know each other – can you say senile. To me it’s basically like picking Tom Cruise because he can get box office draw – not a very talented actor at all. Stated simply, she is a woman, a white woman, supporter of gun rights and anti-abortion. Jones mane, please show your folk here you can think, leave the emotion alone, it don’t count in the voting booth, be objective and pragmatic – act like you can think. Cause yawl (the front runners) scaring the fuck out of jones here mane.